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HomeDogsDeaf and Near-Blind Senior Dog Was Unlikely to Be Adopted Until Couple...

Deaf and Near-Blind Senior Dog Was Unlikely to Be Adopted Until Couple Learned His Story

Kane doesn’t have the typical dog profile that potential adopters flock to when they visit a shelter. However, a family moved by his story did not hesitate to reach out to him and open the doors of their home to him.

A senior dog with multiple disabilities and various health issues has finally found a loving home when his chances of being adopted seemed slim, reports FOX5 / KVVU.

Kane and 2 other dogs had been abandoned by their families. The 3 canids were not only saddened and lost after this separation, but they also risked being euthanized if they were not placed quickly.

Illustration of the article: Deaf and almost blind, this senior dog had little chance of being adopted, until a couple learned of his story

Fortunately, associations had intervened in time. Kane was saved, but temporarily. He needed to be adopted, but his profile made it difficult. Aged 17, deaf, almost blind and tall, he did not interest many people. Generally, adopters turn first to young, healthy and small dogs.

The media coverage of the story of Kane however, tipped luck on his side. He spent several months in foster care, and donations poured in after an online fundraiser opened. Funds that have covered the veterinary costs of the senior dog.

The best was yet to come. Ewa Halverson and her husband Jim were looking for a companion mango, their 14-year-old dog. The story of Kane moved them deeply. ” His photo spoke to me. He looks a bit like our dog. […] He looked a little sad. It really touched me, as of course many people “says the first.

Illustration of the article: Deaf and almost blind, this senior dog had little chance of being adopted, until a couple learned of his story

Jim Halverson was easily convinced. ” That these old dogs die in a shelter, inside a concrete cage, it breaks your heart. It does not mean anything “, he confides. The couple quickly adopted it.

Illustration of the article: Deaf and almost blind, this senior dog had little chance of being adopted, until a couple learned of his story

“We were adopted”

Kane quickly adapted to his new environment. Him and mango get along pretty well, even if the 2 old canines no longer have the energy of yesteryear to spend their time playing and prefer naps.

Read also: After having disappeared for 7 months, this injured dog finds the comforting arms of its owners (video)

Illustration of the article: Deaf and almost blind, this senior dog had little chance of being adopted, until a couple learned of his story

The eldest has already become very attached to his family. Ewa Halverson thus tells that Jim went away briefly to run some errands, and that upon his return, Kane rushed over to lick his face. ” We were adopted “, she concludes.




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