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“Disappointed with the level of the Spaniards” the French are ready to beat them at home

The French team won the streamer’s match against Spain on Saturday at the Eleven All Stars held at the Jean-Bouin stadium (2-0). In a crazy atmosphere, Amine’s teammates outclassed DJ Mario’s team. With a dominance that surprised even them. They are now waiting for the second round, on the other side of the Pyrenees. With the desire to defeat La Roja on his ground.

The door did not last long in light of the general euphoria. The players from the French team landed in the middle of a press conference on Tuesday evening in the bays at the Jean-Bouin stadium. Bottles in hand, they sprayed their trainers, Saïd and Kameto, jumping and screaming with joy. Like Inoxtag and Michou, streamers without restrictions celebrated their victory against Spain during the Eleven All Stars (2-0).

In a sizzling atmosphere provided by their young crowd, Amine’s teammates outclassed DJ Mario’s side, thanks to a header from Sacha and a strike from Bruce Grannec. With an iron defense, embodied by the excellent Yannou (unofficially named man of the match), and some good ball handlers like Boumé or Alonz, the Blues marched against La Roja. To a point that surprised even themselves.

“I expected more hardship”

“On the ground there were warriors, Kameto welcomes. The boys gave everything. The victory is logical. The Spanish were a bit out, they still disappointed me a bit. I knew they had already made fights, I expected better, more adversity…”

Despite full stands and a record audience on Twitch, French streamers perfectly coped with the pressure associated with the event. “It was magnificent. We lived it with a lot of joy and passion, tastes Saïd, who coaches an U17 team in the Lyon region all year round. We took advantage of it to the end. We are proud of our players, they surprised me. They played an excellent game and were very good when needed. It went very quickly, we still want more.”

“We get a stormy welcome in Spain”

At this level the French will be served. As Amine revealed to RMC Sport earlier this week, a return match in Spain is already planned for the coming months. “I think it will be very hot, warns Saïd. We will have a very stormy reception, but we are ready to do it. If it is organized, we will come!”

The same impression for Bruce Grannec, who expects to be hooked on the other side of the Pyrenees: “There we were at home, so we still had a big advantage. We could see that it could be a bit electric at times “There was a big rivalry. It is true that if there is a return match there, the welcome will not be very warm. After all, we are all challenging men. We’re ready to take this one. But it won’t be the same story, you’ll have to be very tough mentally.”

“Europe’s Biggest Rivalry on the Internet”

It remains to be seen where this second match will take place. During his speech in the middle of the lawn, Amine asked the Bernabeu, Real Madrid’s den. That would be unique. “I heard the name of a stadium where you can’t refuse to play. If it’s done there, it’s impossible to refuse”, smiles Sacha.

Meanwhile, French streamers, already winners of the Pixel War this spring, can take advantage of their supremacy over their Iberian neighbors. “It’s not over, we’re still going to win a lot of other things, Kameto promises. We mustn’t stop there. There will always be a little friction between France and Spain on the Internet because it’s the biggest rivalry in Europe. But each sometimes it’s good because we win (laughs)”.



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