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HomeKitchenDrinking while eating: good or bad idea? Expert advice

Drinking while eating: good or bad idea? Expert advice

Before the meal: a slimming solution to be dosed wisely

We often hear that drinking a glass of water before a meal opens the stomach and causes a natural satiation effect. This fact is partly true.

The feeling of having a full stomach following that glass of water prevents us from throwing ourselves on the plate and eating it in no time. This comes from the fact that the brain does not have time to send a message of plenitude. Eating more slowly makes you eat less. This large glass of water can ward off sentimental impulses, but also increase blood pressure which causes energy expenditure. But beware! Above all, do not drink too much or too quickly, as in cases of vagal discomfort where this method is used to raise blood pressure all at once. This arterial response is not desirable outside of this context and in cases of hypertension.

However, in cases of high blood pressure, that tall glass of water can be dietary advice when drunk in the normal way before eating.

What to drink?

The idea of ​​a large glass of water slowly and between 15 to 30 minutes before eating is good. There is also the mixture of lemon juice and water (⅔ water and ⅓ lemon juice) which causes a detox effect, full of vitamins and controls sugar levels during breakfast. This method is not recommended for digestive issues such as reflux or ulcers.

During the meal: do not limit your water consumption

The myth is that drinking during the meal makes the belly swell and slows down digestion. This is completely wrong! There is not a single study that supports this myth.

On the contrary, drinking during a meal helps to soften the food bolus and smooth the movement of gastric juices. Also, the older you get, the more common it is to have a lack of saliva, and wetting the palate makes it easier to chew, soften, and swallow food.

By accompanying the meal with frequent drinks, it is also necessary to let go of the cutlery, and therefore eat more quietly, without stress or abuse.

What to drink?

The favorite drink remains plain water at room temperature. Ice cold water could induce painful stomach cramps. These few glasses during the meal will also help to meet the 1.5L/d bar. A drink after a meal will also reduce the accumulation of acid in the stomach.

Sodas, as well as so-called “zero” or “sugar-free” drinks whet the appetite while creating a bloated effect. Tea or coffee following lunch is beneficial for weight loss, blood sugar control and even, on medical advice, on hypotension (blood pressure that drops after eating).

Drinks don’t have the same effect between meals

The perfect quota of water in a day is about 1.5L/d and this allows the human body to function. It is true and vital, but some things remain to be clarified.

Every day, the human body uses about 2.5L of water and salt through sweating, breathing, stool and urine. By eating, especially fruits and vegetables, the body absorbs almost 1L. Which means that the remaining 1.5L must come from drinks, hence the quota brought in by medical professionals. This can still vary according to the context and the climate (intense physical effort, heat…) However, it should not be abused either, a surplus of water can create hyponatremia (cellular oedema).

The human body, and more precisely the cells, require water continuously. It is therefore wise not to wait for the message from the brain that says you are thirsty (and this often when dehydration has already started) to drink throughout the day. The best thing is to drink small sips throughout the day instead of drinking 1L and then nothing for hours.

What to drink?

Always prioritize water! Even if tea and coffee contain them, they reduce the capacity to retain calcium and iron. In addition, coffee can irritate the intestine of a fragile person, while being harmful to sleep due to its main ingredient: caffeine.

You should also pay attention to the consumption of fruit juices, which are full of sugars and impact blood sugar.



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