Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeKitchendusted off, the classification now includes diplomas

dusted off, the classification now includes diplomas

A new classification of professions in the hotel and catering industry will replace the one dating from 1997 and finally integrate training and diplomas.

“This classification will allow the recognition of new professions and diplomas”, welcomed Thierry Grégoire, spokesperson for Umih, the main employers’ organization. “It allows us to move forward, it’s a good thing. The previous one dated from 1997, it was completely obsolete”.

The leader indicated that this majority agreement had been signed on the employers’ side by the four representative organizations (Umih, GNI, GNC, SNRTC) and on the employee side by the CFDT, FO and the CFE-CGC. Only the CGT, the 1st union in the branch, is missing.

“We have classified the professional categories in relation to the skills required”, welcomed Stéphanie Dayan (CFDT), recalling that the work had started “from 2017”. “It is now clearer for employees, companies. And it now takes training into account, which was not the case before”.

Offer prospects for development

“This new classification grid now offers real career development prospects, thus contributing to the attractiveness of the sector”, specifies the CFDT in a communication. “It makes it possible to define a clear positioning for each employee”.

The classification, transmitted to AFP, is broken down into several grids. One of them describes for each level the skills required in terms of technicality, training, autonomy and team leadership.

Another specifies for each trade the minimum step for hiring in relation to the diplomas obtained, and another the minimum step by type of trade.

In concrete terms, a holder of a kitchen CAP can no longer practice at level I, for example, level 1 of level II becoming the legal minimum.

Salary increases

Similar agreements in the branch are now expected soon in terms of quality of life at work (QVT) and provident/social protection.

In the spring, an agreement providing for a minimum salary 5% higher than the minimum wage and an average increase of 16.33% of the entire salary scale was extended by the administration after many years of immobility.

The sector weighs around one million employees and 65 billion euros in turnover in France. Due to a loss of attractiveness accentuated by the health crisis and soaring inflation, it is currently suffering from a severe staff shortage.



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