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HomeLoansEverything about branch and local loans

Everything about branch and local loans

Local loans, what are they?

Local loans are loans distributed to local communities, at local (municipal) or departmental level. They mainly target people with modest incomes and give a larger number of people access to private property. At the same time, they aim to promote local economic activity.

Local loans are complementary loans. This means that they are added to a main credit and/or a personal contribution. They exist to facilitate the granting of a mortgage loan and can take different forms (interest-free loan, subsidized loan, grant). They can participate in the purchase of a new or old property, provided it serves as their main residence.

Good to know: The Housing Information Agency, ANIL, lists 86 direct subsidies paid out by 70 local authorities. All loans are listed on their website.

Department loan

Departmental loans are granted by the General Council for each department, which may constitute funds to assist in accessing property. These are boosts that supplement a principal loan. Characteristics and conditions for access to these loans vary from department to department. They are generally reserved for families with modest incomes.

local loans

Like the departments, the municipalities and thus the municipalities offer financial support to gain access to properties or to renovate and/or adapt housing. For example, insulating it properly or equipping it with installations that run on renewable energy. As far as the departments are concerned, these aids and their access conditions vary from municipality to municipality.

The biggest advantage of local loans? Your interest! They are set directly by the local communities, so they can vary from one department or municipality to another, but they generally remain lower than those of the banks.

Note: To find out more about these aids, you can contact your town hall directly. It will tell you about the different loans it can provide, how they work and the conditions for accessing the loan.

General conditions for access

These aids are mainly made to help more modest households gain access to the property and several conditions are required to be eligible for them:
– they are often associated with getting a social loan or a PTZ;
– they are aimed almost exclusively at first-time buyers;
– they relate to the purchase of a main residence;
– it is sometimes necessary to undertake to live in the purchasing municipality for a certain period.
For old properties, this support is provided on the condition that work is done to reduce energy consumption.
These aids and loans are therefore numerous and can give you a big boost in access to property. Do they interest you? Do you want to know more? Ask your town hall or county. You can also start by going to ANIL’s website, where all the loans you can benefit from are listed. This support is provided on a case-by-case basis, so these institutions will be of great help to you in informing you exactly which support and which loans you are entitled to, depending on your unique situation.

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Department loans or local loans (
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