The legal obligations regarding home insurance are different whether you are an owner or renter. The costs fluctuate according to the geographical location, the type of home, the value of the property, the guarantees the insured wants. There are different types of home insurance. To find the best company, it is best to choose an online comparator for your needs.
Is home insurance compulsory?
Tenant or owner, the law does not provide the same obligations. As a tenant, there are no questions to ask, since 1989 it has been mandatory. A certificate must also be given to the owner so that he can sign the lease. If you are an owner, the law does not oblige you to insure yourself, however it is strongly recommended to choose a contract for various reasons, to protect your civil liability, to guarantee your assets against claims.
Depending on the profile of resident, owner, tenant, co-owner, the home insurance agreement will not be the same. The purpose of home insurance is to provide compensation to people who are exposed to a disaster in their home, water damage, theft.
Looking for home insurance?
The online comparator is the essential tool for finding the best offers on the market, the contract that best suits your profile. Home insurance covers you in the event of natural disasters, burglary, water damage, acts of terrorism, vandalism. The price of a contract can vary greatly from simple to double. The contracts offered vary between ten euros to more than twenty euros per month. Several criteria are taken into account to calculate the price of home insurance, the profile of the insured, his seniority, the location of the property, its characteristics, the use of the home, the declared value of the property, the presence or not of valuables. . All increases must be reported to the insured.
You can lower the price of your home insurance by competing, by making several offers from different companies. The average price of home insurance in France is between 216 and 380 euros per year. It is essential, before entering into a new contract, to be well informed about the various options available on the market. The online comparator will greatly simplify your life.