“To work for the union of all the dozos in Côte d’Ivoire to exterminate all the black sheep from their ranks”, this is the purpose of the conclave which gathered on October 25 to 26, 2022, Seydou Koné, head of the Dozos de Daloa and his classmates from this brotherhood of traditional hunters. At least 3000 dozos, according to sources cited by Soir Info, participated in this ceremony that marked the celebration of the annual festival of the members of this brotherhood.
Eradicate the bad apples from their ranks
“Today, the dozos have decided to exterminate all the black sheep from their ranks. The dozos decided (to observe) the scrupulous respect for the rules of the dozoya tradition, that is, the rules of the dangou,” said the Dozoba. Declares that the occasion of this annual ceremony enabled each other to be alerted to “a careful respect for the laws of the State”. “The Dozos want simple harmonious cooperation between them and the authorities, total peace between them and all the populations”, said Mr. Wife. And to add that he and his dozo comrades plan to put themselves at the service of the nation and the people, which according to him they have always done since time immemorial.
We are in Daloa for a security meeting, this is not to play politics
Koné Noumoutié, national delegate of the dozos, indicated that the presence of the dozos in the City of Antelopes does not consist of playing politics, but a meeting to talk about security. “We are in Daloa for a security meeting, it is not to play politics (…) we met in Daloa, we invited all the dozos in Côte d’Ivoire to solve our family problems, to discuss the security problem. That is why we coming to the dozos to raise their awareness, to tell them that the time has come to help our confused clothed bodies, for safety, so that we can live in peace”, he hammered.
He went on to say: “we just came to talk, because soon it’s cocoa milking. How Dozos will help the gendarmerie, the police to really help the population to milk well. That’s what we talked about and not politics. A dozo is a tank in every sense, a dozo will never say: I am afraid of anything. The dozo is never afraid. If the country is threatened, we are ready to go to the front. If someone comes and attacks the country, he will jump on first dozos to arrive first where he has to leave We are here to watch,” he warned.