Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeLawyerIn correctional, the false lawyer sentenced

In correctional, the false lawyer sentenced

An unusual case was on the agenda of the correctional hearing. Philippe, 66, is being prosecuted for illegal exercise of the profession of lawyer, false denunciation to a judicial authority, forgery, use of forgery, alteration of the truth in writing. Absent from the hearing, he sent a letter: “I cannot be judged until 16 ongoing cases have been settled impartially”. This case begins with a traffic accident in Niort, where his responsibility is engaged. Sentenced, he filed a complaint against the policeman who handled the procedure. An investigation is under way. A prosecutor notes legal inconsistencies in his somewhat puppet pleadings and seizes the Cap 32 social center on the reality of his function. A lawyer also reports the same type of facts.

He was not registered with the bar of Toulouse

After various searches, Philippe is unknown and not registered in Toulouse as he claims. Heard, he plays the surprised and threatens to seize Minister Dupond-Moretti. It turns out that he usurped the identity of a lawyer, Dominique R, and declared himself falsely registered with the bar of Toulouse. During a search, investigators seized letterheads, an ink stamp at an address with a telephone line leaving no doubt about its quality for potential customers with whom relations were aggressive and tense, according to them. The investigation still shows that he pretended to be a police inspector. Maître Lacoste, representing the Toulouse bar, asks for a symbolic €1. An ambiguity is also noted on the addresses communicated, in Aulon, in Fousseret, Cazères or even in L’Aigle (Orne). The prosecutor evokes a psychic data in this individual already convicted 3 times. After deliberation, the defendant was sentenced to 12 months in prison accompanied by a probationary suspension of 2 years, on the obligation to compensate the victim, pay the sums due to the public treasury, carry out a citizenship course, and ban on exercising an activity. vocational training for 5 years. He will have to pay a symbolic €1 to the Toulouse bar and €1,500 in legal costs. Philippe immediately appealed this decision.



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