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Is my cat happy? 15 signs to look for that prove it!

What’s more relaxing than a cat’s purr? We all want our cats to be happy and purring is a great sign of contentment. But cats are changeable creatures: one moment they’re rubbing against your legs, the next moment they’ve locked themselves under furniture. They can spend hours cuddled up in our lap or perched atop their cat tree. Cats seem to love us on their terms, never wanting us more than when our attention is elsewhere, whether working on our laptops or about to run out. It’s this lively and unpredictable interactivity that makes cats so special.

The 15 signs to know if your cat is happy

Given all this bad mood and mixed messages, how do you know when your cat is happy? We might just break it down to eating, purring, loving, but body language, posture, and facial expressions can reveal more deeply what your cat is feeling in every moment. Read on to find out everything you need to know to read your cat’s signals.

1. Is your cat in good health?

Regular routine checkups with the cat vet can help ensure that your cat is healthy and happy. When we’re not feeling well, we tend to be grumpy. Cats are no different. Physical discomfort also negatively affects their mental well-being. Any uncontrolled illness like digestive issues, allergies, or arthritis can dampen their joy. If your cat purrs constantly disgruntled, consult your veterinarian

2. A good appetite

Kittens with a good appetite are happy cats. Your cat will show enthusiasm for food by rubbing around your paws and meowing until you get his food bowl. If your cat makes it clear when he wants treats and visibly enjoys his food, that’s a good sign that your cat is doing well. However, a cat with too strong an appetite may feel lonely, bored or depressed.

3. Lots of purring

Purring is the primary way cats express contentment, comfort, and love. Holding a purring cat is deeply relaxing for us and some even say it has healing powers. However, it is also known to have healing powers for your cat. If your cat purrs at unusual times, he may be consoling himself. It can be a sign of distress or injury. Get professional advice if your cat seems to purr for no reason.

4. Your cat likes to play

One of the best indicators of cat-isfaction is engaging in play. Older cats may not be as active as their younger counterparts, but they should still show a spark of interest when a favorite (or new) toy is offered to play. A happy cat is eager to have fun.

5. Is your cat relaxed?

In general, a relaxed cat tends to be free from anxiety, stress, and fear. The way a cat sits or lies down is a clear indication of how happy it is. Cats that aren’t happy won’t be comfortable around you or rest around you. Relaxed cats will sit with their paws under their body and their eyes half-closed. Happy cats have their eyes half-closed because they feel safe. A cat lying on its back with its paws up is also a good sign. Relaxed cats don’t seem startled by sudden sounds or movements, and they generally seem calm.

6. Vocalization and chirping

Happy cats talk a lot. Although we all know cats meow, they make all kinds of noises to communicate with us, whether it’s asking for food, asking for comfort, or asking out. When they are feeling happy and content, they also make very specific noises, almost as if they are responding to you. The quality of your cat’s sounds is important; high-pitched sounds are better because lower-pitched growls can indicate frustration or unmet needs.

7. Chafing and Headbutt

Cats rub against you to mark their territory. Rubbing signals that you are your cat’s possession and that she wants things to stay that way. Cats that bang their head against your body usually show that they enjoy your company and want more.

8. Is your cat happy to see you?

Cats communicate with their bodies. A cat that greets you warmly with joy when you wake up for the first time or when you come home from work says it’s nice to see you. When they are happy to see you, they will show it with an erect tail, erect ears, and rubbing their body around your legs. If your cat greets you this way, he is happy in your company and enjoying life with you.

9. Does your cat knead or “bake cookies”?

When cats knead things or people, they relive the behavior of kittens. Nursing kittens knead their mother to release oxytocin, which relaxes them and helps their milk flow. The kneading behavior is reminiscent of mother-baby dynamics, which likely means your cat feels safe and loved.

10. Curiosity to your cat

Does your cat run to the window to watch the birds? Or check the front door when the bell rings? If your cat is active in its environment, exploring and interested in new things, you can assume that it is happy.

11. Is your cat friendly?

Happy cats generally have positive interactions with their owners and others around them. All cats, however, are unique. Just because yours is aloof doesn’t necessarily mean they’re unhappy. Many cats find that less social interaction is more comfortable. Pay attention to any major changes in your cat’s behavior.

12. love naps

How many hours should your cat sleep each day? Cats’ needs vary depending on their age and activity level, so there’s no one right answer. When a cat doesn’t get enough sleep, it could mean something is bothering them. Too much sleep can also be a bad thing. Humans can use sleep as a coping mechanism when bored, lonely, sad or depressed – cats can too. Monitor your cat’s sleep patterns and note any significant changes.

13. Does your cat lick you?

Grooming remains a top priority for happy cats. It is normal for them to stop grooming well only when they are deeply unhappy, such as when they are sick. Cats love to groom themselves and if they groom you, it means you are part of the family.

14. social sleep

When a cat is really happy, it will snuggle next to you on the sofa or sleep with other cats if you have more than one. If your cat is sleeping in your bed, which may not be ideal for you, it’s a wonderful sign that he is very happy and trusts you completely.

15. Give presents

When your cat gives you gifts, you know he loves you because he shares his hunting successes with you. If you find a dead mouse, frog, or bird, it’s a sign that your cat likes you. Although it’s not pleasant, when they bring you something they kill, consider it a special gift from a happy cat.



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