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“It unites the teams”: Friday, June 24, take your dog to the office

Milou, Lassie, Beethoven, Idéfix, Pépette… On June 24 at your office, you could come across the namesakes of famous dogs on television, in the cinema or in comic books, and many more. This Friday is indeed that of “Take your dog to work day”, understand “the day when you take your pet with you to the office, an initiative that comes to us from across the Atlantic.

In France, some 23 companies have already taken the step of allowing dogs in the workplace. “It’s very well known in the United States. In France, we have been developing it since 2016, attacks Magali Gavaret, communication and CSR director for Purina France, which manufactures products for animals. We are calling on companies to test and try this concept, in a reasoned and reasonable way of course. »

Should I take him to the canteen?

Your dog must indeed show its credentials to enter professional premises. “Be clean, sociable, up to date with your vaccines, have insurance… and enjoy meeting other dogs and other humans,” Magali Gavaret further explains. In fact, it is enough to define zones in which they can go and others not, like the canteen. We need a harmonious cohabitation. »

Moreover, at the headquarters of Purina, some 40 animals now have their entry “badge” and about fifteen are waiting to have the precious sesame. The size goes from Chihuahua to Husky… Only dogs of categories 1 and 2 (defined by the Ministry of Agriculture) are prohibited, that is to say pit bulls and other Rottweilers.

VIDEO. In Canada, these employees go to the office with their pet

Arnaud Adler has already taken the plunge. In his company, doggies are welcome. It confirms that it increases the quality of life at work, as demonstrated by a study from the University of Virginia (USA). Bringing your pet to the workplace would create a bond but also produce oxytocin and endomorphin just by looking at or touching them.

“It only brings good things, explains this coworking specialist and founder of Coworkea. With the reduction in stress, there is more productivity, it unites the teams, it sometimes breaks the ice in the monotony of commercial discussions. Finally, it is a significant marketing asset. It gives a little extra soul to the company, even if there are rules to follow. »



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