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HomeLawyerlawyers and magistrates criticize their working conditions

lawyers and magistrates criticize their working conditions


France 2

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Nearly 3,000 magistrates wrote an open letter in the columns of Le Monde to denounce their working conditions. Lawyers have joined their fight.

200 lawyers have decided to join the fight of magistrates who denounce their working conditions, by signing a forum on the franceinfo site. “Not only does justice no longer have the means to be rendered with dignity, but it also becomes inaccessible”, this is what these lawyers write. They then attack the Estates General of Justice. This organization “is only a decoy”they write, destined “to feign the establishment of ersatz solutions to problems denounced by all judicial actors”.

The words are strong, and the lawyers are calling for a collective reaction. They will possibly get a reaction from the Minister of Justice, who receives certain signatories from the magistrates’ gallery. He recognized that it was always necessary to listen to the base, explains the journalist of France Télévisions, Guillemette Halard, live from the Ministry of Justice (Paris).

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