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HomeKitchenLose Weight: 6 Lean Proteins to Consume in the Evening to Melt...

Lose Weight: 6 Lean Proteins to Consume in the Evening to Melt Fat

You know the saying: “In the morning eat like a king, like a prince at noon and like a pauper at night”? It is often recommended to eat lightly in the evening to promote good sleep and good digestion.

Why eat protein at night?

When the body rests at night, it does not need excess calories, which can overload the digestive system. We are therefore in favor of lean protein, which are easy to digest and limit storage. They have the benefit of reducing appetite and helping you feel full. They are also very important because they help preserve muscle mass that we must not forget to indulge during a diet. Nutritionist, Eric Favre explains that when dieting, ” pTo satisfy the feeling of hunger during the night, our body mainly feeds on muscle tissue. This causes muscle tissue to break down during sleep. Therefore, the consumption of proteins is recommended, as instead of causing muscle breakdown, it is the fat masses that are absorbed. The amino acids released by proteins nourish the muscles and the body will draw on fat to fuel itself during the night. »

Which lean proteins to prefer?

  • that chicken breast, a portion of 100 grams for dinner will give you over 20 grams of protein for a maximum of 2% fat. When the breast is the leanest part of the chicken, avoid the legs and thighs, but also the skin, which is very fatty and will increase the number of calories in your meal.
  • That Turkey contains a low fat and calorie content, counts around 100 calories per 100 grams and 25% protein. It is also an excellent source of nutrients as it contains iron, phosphorus and zinc.
  • We think less about it, but it tofu deserves to be added to your meals. Often associated with the vegan diet, its different textures allow many varieties of preparation. You can eat firm or extra-firm tofu, grilled or sautéed, while silken tofu will be preferred for soups and desserts. A portion of 85 grams contains only 70 calories, for 9 grams of protein.
  • That white fish such as cod, hake, halibut, whiting or haddock are among the best sources of lean protein. Low-calorie and saturated fat, e.g. cod, contains only 70 calories per 100 grams and provides 17 grams of protein. Also note that they are an excellent source of omega 3.
  • Among the star lean proteins we find egg which also contains a lot of nutrients. They are a very good source of minerals, healthy fats, vitamins and antioxidants. Low in calories, count about 85 calories and 6 grams of protein per egg.
  • That Chickpeas and more generally, legumes such as kidney beans or lentils contain an average of 8 grams of protein per serving. 100 gram portion. Their low glycemic index and high fiber content contribute to satiety and reduce cholesterol levels.


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