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HomeDogsMoving story in Welkenraedt, Sébastien has been looking for his dog Terry...

Moving story in Welkenraedt, Sébastien has been looking for his dog Terry for… 13 months!

“It’s a dog that I had via Spain, a galgo greyhound. It was a stray dog, but that, I had not been told during the adoption. his age, too, telling me that he was 4 years old and not 8. Today, he is 9…”

Not a first…

Sébastien began the process of adopting Terry to compensate for the loss of a dog who died at 17.5 years old, a blind Spanish dog collected in 2007. “My other dog was wasting away when Olivier died, so I adopted Terry. Since Terry ran away, I have re-adopted a Russian greyhound because my other dog was wasting away again (so I have three dogs including one in the wild …).” Because Terry will only have lived together at Henri-Chapelle for three weeks. “I had Terry in March 2021. And he left at 5 a.m. on May 22, 2021. He opened the back door and found a space in the fence in the yard. I went to see Henri-Chapelle , then I understood at 8 a.m. that we had to react. I put up announcements and we started to put up posters. We put up more than 6000 and I have just done 500 again!”

The problem is that Terry is an expert in running away, something his master didn’t know. “But I have become an expert in the search for dogs, even if I have not yet managed to catch him (he is very, very clever, this has been confirmed to me by veterinarians and behaviorists who do not have never seen this) Terry had already run away to Spain… and it took them two years to catch him! , the German and Dutch borders…” And Sébastien is certain of it: it was always about Terry.

“I was brought in for a dachshund”

“All this has already cost me a lot of money. I’ve invested in cages (I put roast chicken in it, but it just circles around the cage), in cameras, we flew drones , bought lozenges to put him to sleep… I also publish on Facebook, so that everyone recognizes him and that people don’t forget him. I have photos, a video from time to time… Now I have learned to find out and search before I move. Because I have caught other dogs… I have sometimes traveled 200 km to come across a dachshund .”

Chase with the police on the highway…

In the early days of his escape, Terry took the main roads, by day. From now on, he prefers the fields, the RAVeL (Sébastien has slept alongside a RAVeL) and at night. Terry was even… chased by the police. “We tried arrows to put him to sleep, but they take twenty minutes to work…Terry can go for miles during that time. He’s a greyhound, it goes fast and far. In June 2021, the highway police closed the section between Battice and Eupen to pursue Terry. The dog was at 73 km/h, the officer had never seen that. The local police tried to catch him in Andrimont, the soldiers of Marche-en-Famenne have also tried… In vain. In France, they tried tracker dogs and spider nets, but we never managed to get it.”

Extortion attempt

The Welkenraedtois has “all had” with this story. “Spanish people came to look for him, I had threats, a request for bail of €5,000… But I’m not going to stop, it’s in my character. I wouldn’t know how to abandon him, even if “He may be fine the way he is. For me, he’s not safe, I don’t want to find him by the side of the road. But even there, I’ll go get him for the bury. Before having him, there was the whole process of adoption, and this research gives me even more love for him. According to the behaviorists, he will at some point click and let himself be approached He must know I’m looking for him, feeling him.”

And if Sébastien Dohogne recovers Terry, he will still have to find a solution to give him a margin of freedom. “I’m not going to leave him between four walls. We will have to find a way to give him some form of freedom, through education or other. There will be a lot of work to do, the battle will continue” he concludes, more attached than ever to his dog.

If you see Terry, contact Sébastien Dohogne at 0471/289286.




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