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HomeKitchenOrthez: the leisure center restaurant has found its buyers

Orthez: the leisure center restaurant has found its buyers

“We love challenges! », smiles Marie Larrouture…

“We love challenges! smiles Marie Larrouture. But for her, this restaurant is still a family affair: “My grandmother told me that her spouse had wanted to take over the management of the lake restaurant, in the past. My father also had positioned himself at one point. It will ultimately be her who will make it happen, from mid-July.

Still some work

Not before, because work is still in progress. The community of municipalities, owner of the building since April, began this work even before finding a buyer: “We are going to attack the finishes, so everything should be finished soon”, assures Gérard Ducos, vice-president in charge tourism. “We entrust a clean, functional and standard-compliant tool,” he continues. The decoration will then be the responsibility of the managers. The exterior embellishment work will be done after the summer season, so as not to disturb the operation of the establishment.

kitchen products

In terms of cuisine, the lake restaurant will offer menus at 15 euros (starter, main course, dessert) or 12 euros (starter, main course or main course, dessert) as well as a menu, which will change every week. “It will be a kitchen of products, homemade. Given the place, we will highlight the fish, and it will be done according to the arrivals. What we want is quality,” says Gaël Larchevèque.

Both chefs, they met in New Zealand, after having traveled all around the world. “We are passionate about our job. We also like to try things out, put ourselves in danger… The basis of our cuisine is traditional French cuisine, which we twist with what we bring back from our travels”, continues Gaël Larchevèque. By small touches, in a seasoning or in a sauce, travels influence the cuisine of the two thirty-somethings.

Long hours in summer

In season, the restaurant will be open every day, from approximately 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. “In the afternoon we will offer ice cream, waffles and pancakes. It’s a family place, you can’t miss it! “Out of season, the restaurant will operate every lunchtime” for people who work or who are passing through. We will be open in the evening from Thursday to Saturday and on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons for walkers”. The establishment will be open all year round, “so that everyone can enjoy it”.

The new name of the restaurant has not yet been revealed, it will be when the keys are officially handed over to the new managers, in about ten days.

Fifteen files withdrawn but only three candidates

The search for a buyer was not an easy task for the community of communes of Lacq-Orthez. “Fifteen files were withdrawn, three were submitted for application”, explains Gérard Ducos, vice-president in charge of tourism. The Covid crisis has scalded the banks, which follow projects less and less. But above all, the glaring lack of personnel frightens potential buyers.
For Marie Larrouture and Gaël Larchevèque, however, no difficulty on that side: “We want to set up a team with three waiters, two cooks and a dishwasher. We just need a cook to find. We have people applying so it should be fine, ”says Marie. They are also the first to be surprised: “Last year we operated with half the staff than needed, but this year we found it very quickly! A good omen for attacking this season!



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