The “Life” branch increased by 16.3% to 6.42 billion dirhams and the “Non-life insurance” branch increased by 6.8% to 6 billion dirhams, ACAPS specifies in a document on quarterly statistics.
At the level of the “Life” branch, the “Savings-Supports Dirhams” segment showed an increase of 22.7% to more than 5.47 billion dirhams, with “Death” increasing by 9%, while the “Savings Support Account Units” decreased by 43 .3 per cent.
In the branch “Injury”, the premiums are distributed mainly on the Automobile with DKK 2.99 billion. dirhams, bodily accidents (1.23 billion dirhams), work accidents and occupational diseases (+ 13.5%) with 456.7 million dirhams (MDH). ), Fire (311.5 MDH), Assistance – credit – deposit (289.0 MDH), General Liability with 145.9 MDH, Transport (197.8 MDH), catastrophic events (121.7 MDH) and technical risks ( 53.1 MDH).