Press conference on September 26 at 4 p.m.
The castle square in front of the State Council
On September 26, the last legal act will take place in connection with the fight against the 2019 reform of unemployment insurance, which had given rise to strong social protest, resulting in a real judicial soap opera. The Council of State had actually twice suspended the application of the reform, as the injustices created by this reform were glaring. In the end, however, the government had succeeded in forcing its way through and enforcing a reform that was still just as unfavorable. All this allegedly in the name of fighting insecurity by claiming that it is not the employers who are to blame for offering inferior jobs, but the unemployed who accept them!!!
On September 26, the Council of State is therefore preparing to examine the merits of the last complaint brought by the unions (CGT FSU and Solidaires) against the decree of September 30, 2021, which had imposed the previous reform, knowing that the summary procedure had failed on the grounds that the text was allegedly not “manifestly illegal”. It is therefore very unlikely that he will decide that day, which is more so in the current context.
As soon as the previous reform had been implemented, the government, never short of an attack on the poorest and most vulnerable workers, wants to tighten the existing system even more when it has already caused some temporary workers to lose almost 43% of their benefits! And this without even worrying about UNEDIC and the trade unions and professional organizations that sit there…. They just want to be “heard”! Extension of working hours over an ever shorter period, tightening of the criteria for receiving unemployment benefit, territorialisation of compensation, increased strengthening of control, the policy of “full employment” according to the unemployment minister O. Dussopt s’ therefore believes in it. gradual disappearance of the unemployed!
The government is therefore preparing for a new coup.
On the occasion of the Government’s consideration of the last complaint against the former unemployment decree on 26 September, The CGT FSU Solidaire trade union organizations call a meeting at 4 pm in Paris at the Place du Palais Royal in Paris for a press conference.
Let’s engage the balance of power against the new unemployment insurance reform!
And demand the repeal of previous reforms!
For unemployment insurance reform for social justice!
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