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HomeDogsPuppy killed after off-leash dog attack in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin: justice served

Puppy killed after off-leash dog attack in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin: justice served

Granola was not five months old when he was killed. The little Yorkshire Terrier was attacked by another dog on Saturday 18 May in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

According to the veterinary certificate, the puppy died.after trauma leading to hemothorax” [une accumulation de sang entre le poumon et la paroi thoracique, N.D.L.R.] and a priori a head trauma.

With a heavy heart, Amandine tells what happened to her “baby” so “It will never happen again.”. “I had entrusted my two dogs to a friend. She went to walk with them on a leash along the sea. At the kiosk on Avenue Winston Churchill, a dog – an American shepherd – lay under the table of a couple with a pram. He was not attached. As my friend walked past him, he grabbed Granola and shook her violently.”

Left without notice

“In a state of shock”, her friend picks up the battered animal in her arms to take it to the nearest veterinary clinic. “The dog owner made a scenesays Amandine based on the various testimonies collected. She said this had never happened before and she couldn’t help it as she had her child with her. But when customers in the kiosk called the police, she and the man left with her without leaving a number.’

This is confirmed by the municipal police. Upon arrival, no trace of the owners. The woman was still able to be identified by witnesses thanks to her low public profile. This former journalist turned yoga coach in Monaco has more than 20,000 followers on Instagram. Would she have been scared? Was she trying to protect her image or her dog’s life? Was it just her? Hard to say. She did not respond to our requests.

A public figure involved?

However, some dog trainers say they have already dealt with her, especially Cécile, from the Woof School. The professional attests twice to have been contacted by the influencer for behavioral problems. “She told me about experiences where her dog had shown aggressive behavior, both on and off leash, and that despite several lessons with different trainers, she was not satisfied as they were all incompetent.she rewinds.

But these exchanges were never followed by a behavior assessment or dog training classes. “She refused any support from me.” regrets Cécile, who says that she insisted on having her dog neutered and kept herself tied down.

“It’s irresponsible”says Amandine.

Everything to avoid euthanasia

The owner of Granola filed a complaint on Friday with the gendarmerie in her area of ​​Beaulieu-sur-Mer. The municipal police of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, for their part, launched an administrative procedure so that a behavioral evaluation of the biting dog could be carried out. It is she who must decide whether he should undergo training, treatment or euthanized.

An ending that Amandine does not want for him. “It’s not his fault, but his mistress’s.”, she thinks. She also contacted the association Instinct Animal, which specializes in reactive dogs, to avoid the worst for the young American shepherd.

“We tried to contact the owner via e-mail and via social networks to find a placement solution for the dog and avoid euthanasia.assures Cassie, one of the association’s members. But we didn’t get any feedback.”

A situation that she regrets. “When the dog is young enough, it can be caughtshe explains. No dog is born aggressive. This is often due to problems or even a lack of education.” She hopes the biting dog”will not be held responsible for this situation.”.



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