“Together, the magistrates and registry officials of the Troyes judicial court denounce the growing gap between the demand for justice and the means which are allocated to the courts to respond to this demand in conditions respectful of the litigants and the personnel who contribute to the work of righteousness”
: this is the message of the motion adopted Monday in plenary general assembly by the magistrates and registry officials of the judicial court of Troyes.
The mobilization, national, wants to alert on the difficult conditions of exercise of justice, due to a crying lack of means, and echoes a tribune published in the newspaper Le Monde on November 23. That day, 3,000 magistrates and a hundred clerks had co-signed the appeal: “We no longer want a justice that does not listen and that times everything”.
In Troyes, the situation is no more pleasing.
“Lack of consideration and ignorance of our functions”
In terms of staff, first: “According to the recommendations of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, the Troyes judicial court should have 55 sitting magistrates instead of 22, 33 public prosecutors instead of 10, i.e. 17.7 judges and 11 prosecutors, 195 registry staff who do not have the status of magistrate instead of 90 per 100,000 inhabitants. As things stand, there are 22 magistrates at the headquarters, including a judge of freedoms and detention. On January 1, 2022, the court will have 3.5 fewer staff (excluding placed magistrates) and still no JLD. Similarly, out of a staff of 83 registry staff, only 78 agents are present. »
But also in terms of quality of service: “The loss of meaning that we feel results from both lack of consideration and ignorance of our functions, the purely managerial vision of which leads to an ever-increasing reduction in the time devoted to litigants. »
Consequently, the magistrates and civil servants of registry claim “working conditions that allow litigants to have access within a reasonable time to a serene and available judge”.