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HomeInsuranceReport on the 2022 crop insurance for the Financière agricole du Québec

Report on the 2022 crop insurance for the Financière agricole du Québec

In December, La Financière agricole du Québec submitted its provincial crop report as well as the intervention of the crop insurance program for the current year. Among the 11,677 agricultural businesses insured, it paid more than $23.4 million to nearly 1,267 businesses that suffered compensable losses.

Of this amount, nearly $7.3 million was paid for grain, corn and protein crops and more than $4 million for beekeeping. The insured values ​​in 2022 represent more than 2.2 billion dollars. Overall, the 2022 crop insurance report reflects a good harvest season.

In Bas-Saint-Laurent, 1,374 agricultural businesses are insured for values ​​representing more than $186 million. Of that number, 213 companies that suffered compensable losses received amounts totaling more than $1.3 million, including nearly $611,400 for grains, cereals, corn and protein crops and nearly $518,800 for maple syrup.

The winter was characterized by light snow cover in the first part of the season and heavy precipitation at the end. Overwintering mortality has been observed in hay meadows and fields with autumn cereals. A high mortality rate has been reported in apiaries. This would be caused by the weakening of the hives due to a dry 2021 season that favors the attack of the hives with the varroa parasite.

In the spring, the heavy snow cover and the weather forced many maple producers to shovel the snow over the pipes. The maple syrup season was nevertheless exceptional in both quantity and quality.

A heat wave occurred at the beginning of May, the only one in the summer of 2022. The rapid growth of hay at the start of the season favored the yield of the first cut. However, the frequency of rainfall made it difficult to produce dry hay and negatively affected the quality.

Hay production took place during the usual periods. Final yield was normal or better in most areas due to temperature and constant water supply.

The mid-autumn season was more favorable than usual for the maturation of certain crops. Soybeans sometimes suffered yield losses. The berry harvest ended with a normal or better yield. The other crops had mostly normal yields.

Per On November 29, 2022, the number of claims was 4,149 compared to 5,956 in the same period for 2021 and 5,870 in the same period for 2020.



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