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HomeUnited StateResults United States Championships 2023 – Par

Results United States Championships 2023 – Par

After the pair was forced out the night before the 2022 Nationals, Alexa Knierim and Brandon Frazier are back on the top step of the podium. They win the 2023 US Figure Skating Championships in San Jose.


Knierim and Frazier performed a stunning routine to Harry Styles’ “Sign of the Times” for a 30+ point win. They made a small mistake in their triple toeloop-double toeloop-double toeloop combination, but made up for it on all the other elements, especially the difficult ones.

Knierim and Frazier held a more than 15-point lead over Chan and Howe – 81.96 to 66.86 – after completing their best short program.

The pair, who train in Southern California, teamed up after Knierim’s husband Chris retired from skating in 2020.

Chan and Howe continued their excellent season with a season best score of 196.86. They lost points when Chan fell on his triple loop.


1. Alexa Knierim – Brandon Frazier – 227.97

2. Emily Chan – Spencer Akira Howe – 196.86

3. Ellie Kam – Danny O’Shea – 184.01

4. Sonya Baram – Daniel Tyumentev – 179.08

5. Valentina Plazas – Maximiliano Fernandez – 176.34

6. Kathy Macbeth – Nathan Bartholomew – 172.74

Pprogram available

1. Alexa Knierim – Brandon Frazier – 146.01

2. Emily Chan – Spencer Akira Howe – 130.00

3. Ellie Kam – Danny O’Shea – 118.26

4. Sonya Baram – Daniel Tyumentsev – 115.96

5. Kathy Macbeth – Nathan Bartholomew – 115.78

6. Valentina Plazas – Maximiliano Fernandez – 112.89



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