But wasn’t the abandonment of this poor dog enough? After being taken in by Freshfields Animal Rescue with his friend, also tied to a bush, Rubble underwent a disturbing veterinary examination. He was not at the end of his troubles…
no one knows how Rubble and Lily have come to this. Still, these 2 poor doggies were the victims of a fate they didn’t deserve to suffer. Liverpool Echo reported the facts last July.
A sad abandonment
While a volunteer from the shelter of Freshfields was returning home, she crossed paths with 2 canids tied to a bush, in the town of Sefton. Vikki Ferguson will come to their aid and welcome them into Freshfields Animal Rescue.
If the little Lily will quickly find its new home, it will not be the same for the beautiful Rubblewho will, in spite of himself, stay a little longer in the shelter…
A “worrying size”
The reason ? While he had to undergo a simple sterilization procedure, the veterinarians discovered a ” size on the body, enough to worry animal health professionals.
The tumor would be aggressive, and likely to spread throughout the body. Rubble then returned to the vet for surgery and new tissue samples. Following this, it seems that the pooch is finally on the road to recovery…
Liverpool Echo
In any case, veterinarians are convinced. The dog just needs to wear an inflatable collar before it regains full health.
revenge on life
And since good news never comes alone, the pretty Rubble joined a host family where he feels extremely well “, declared the members of the shelter on their page Facebook.
It’s time, now, for this sweet doggie to rest, and to put behind him all the difficult trials he has just gone through…
By Maria Anki
Web editor
A great friend of animals from a very young age, Maria gives them a real devotion and follows them everywhere on social networks. Coming from a linguistic course, and therefore very keen on writing, she now takes pleasure in rubbing shoulders with the animal world accompanied by her most faithful four-legged companion, Monkey.