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HomeDogsSeine et Marne. She had abandoned her four dogs in a...

Seine et Marne. She had abandoned her four dogs in a cage during a move

The four dogs abandoned in an apartment in Moissy-Cramayel were given away or confiscated (©Illustration – Pixabay)

This Monday, June 13, the tribunal Melun police sentenced a woman in her thirties who had left her four dogs abandoned in her apartment in Moissy Cramayel (Seine-et-Marne), while she was moving.

2 m cages2z

Three pit bulls and one american staffordshire lived double-locked in 2 m cages2, two adults being confined in one of them. It was the neighbors, annoyed by the barking, who had given the report.

“During the police intervention, they were living in complete blackin their excrement and in their urine, the smell was pestilential, deplores Me Patrice Grillon, lawyer for the animal protection association Stéphane Lamart, civil party in this case. When we choose to have a dog, we take care of it, otherwise there are always alternative solutions to ensure their well-being. »


The owner of the emaciated animals had been tried by default in 2018, but she had opposed. Entrusted for a time to the Vaux-le-Pénil SPA, the dogs were then returned to him. She had ended up giving away three, being unable to support them.

Today, his previous sentence has been increased. The offender was fined four fines totaling €2,400 and of ban on keeping animals for 3 years (the remaining dog was confiscated). She will also have to pay €2,000 in damages and €1,500 in legal costs to the Stéphane Lamart association.

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