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HomeUnited Stateshould the United States celebrate the 4th of July?

should the United States celebrate the 4th of July?

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July 4 is Independence Day in the United States. One 246th anniversary at a time” frightening and reassuring » this year, believes The Buffalo News. For the East Coast daily, the hearings conducted by the House of Representatives Select Committee on the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 are proof of the ” fragility of democracy » American, just like « unwavering courage of patriots to defend her. The newspaper takes the example of Cassidy Hutchinson, the former White House aide, who testified before the commission despite the pressure.

Several newspapers are concerned about the increasingly widening fault lines, even the risk of a split in the United States, that the Post and Courier explained by a political culture dominated by extremes “. The South Carolina newspaper, however, recalls that the Declaration of Independence was ” written and signed “, in 1776, ” at a time when the country was experiencing similar deep divisions “. ” Our nation was forged by the fire of those times and we believe it can emerge even stronger from our current difficulties. “.

Celebrate and Reflect

If some states were to announce tomorrow that they were leaving to form a new country, would the rest of the nation try to preserve the union at all costs? asks the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.The feeling is growing every day that there are millions of people”bad Where arrears” which the country could finally do without “says the editorialist. ” But what gave our ancestors the strength to preserve the Union was the deep sense that America had a purpose beyond itself – a moral and even spiritual destiny for the good of the humanity. (…) For its own good and for the good of the world, America must today rediscover this sense of shared mission. “.

For several dailies, this Monday, July 4, 2022, it is important to celebrate. After all, the pursuit of happiness is at the heart of our Declaration of Independence, claims the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. So ” health, dear Americans. Let’s go for shooting, games, sports, bonfires and illuminations! After the year we’ve all been through, looking for joy today would be a relief “. Celebrating this day is important, adds the Las Vegas Suneven though ” we believe that the United States has not seen a darker hour since the Civil War “. The newspaper appeals to its readers: We hope that (…) you will find a moment to reflect not only on the history of our great nation, but also on its future potential, on what we could be “.

Chile: the draft new Constitution, a failure?

For the past year, in Chile, a Constituent Assembly has been drafting a new Constitution for the country, to replace the current text inherited from the Pinochet era. The new text was officially handed over to the Chilean president on Monday at the premises of the former Congress, before a referendum to approve or reject it on September 4, explains El Mostrador. For now, ” 55% of Chileans have not read the proposed draft Constitution “, highlighted The Tercera, which discusses at length the results of an opinion poll by Plaza Publica Cadem. 51% of those questioned plan to reject the text during the referendum and this figure rises to 58% for those who have read it. The Tercera adds that even distrust of the Constituent Assembly has risen to 59%, ” an increase of 9 points over the last month “.

It is in this context that the campaign for this referendum will begin on Wednesday. The position held by the president himself is uncertain. So far, he had chosen to link the fate of his government to the approval of the new text. But ” turnaround » this week, writes The Tercera : he chose to separate the salvation of his government from the results of the referendum”. The newspaper devotes its editorial at ” the lost opportunity of this Constituent Assembly which completes its work in an unthinkable way », criticized by a large part of the country and with a no in the referendum likely to win.

Even members of this House refer to a process ” far from adequate “. ” The text takes up important concerns of Chilean society, such as the protection of the environment, the recognition of indigenous peoples and the highlighting of the role of women in society. “, recognizes the editorialist, “ but it does not design adequate institutions to deal with these issues “. ” The Convention had only one task: to produce a solid and modern text, but what it will deliver on Monday is far from the case “, concludes the newspaper.

► To read also: Chile: the draft of the new Constitution submitted to the president before his vote by referendum

Ecuador: opening of the trial of Leonidas Iza

The president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), Leonidas Iza, is accused of having paralyzed public transport during the demonstrations which lasted 18 days in Ecuador. His trial, which opens on Monday, will be very well attended, according to The Universebecause its outcome could constitute “ a breaking point ” in a country that has finally regained the ” social peace “. Among the witnesses called to the bar by the defense are police officers, prosecutors and the President of the Republic himself. Some will respond in writing, says the newspaper. The Hora evokes the future of the leader of Conaie who intends, in 15 days, to present a plan of fight. The key point will be the unity of the countryside and the city “, has already announced Léonidas Iza, in his last speech last week.

► Read also : Ecuador: Indigenous leader Leonidas Iza in court for “paralysis of public service”

United States: riddled with bullets for a “traffic violation”

Hundreds of people protested Sunday in Akron, Ohio, after the death of African American Jayland Walker on Monday. It is the broadcast of two videos from the cameras carried by the police which created a stir. The 25-year-old, unarmed man, author of a “traffic offence” is pursued there in a parking lot by the police, reports the New York Times. He was then targeted by 60 bullets, according to his lawyer. Eight police officers are involved, explains the police chief of Akron who held a press conference. All were ” placed on administrative leave “. An investigation must determine exactly how many bullets were fired. The mayor of the city announced the opening of an independent investigation.

► Read also : US: Black man dies riddled with bullets by police in Ohio




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