Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeInsurancethe guarantee of price and transparency

the guarantee of price and transparency

Thanks to the reform of the Lemoine law, which ends the opening to competition in the loan insurance sector, Luko offers simple and accessible online solutions to all borrowers who want to benefit from more economic, flexible and transparent.

A reform favorable to borrowers

Despite the opening to competition in 2010 and the emergence of a new generation of insurance companies such as Luko, almost 90% of borrower insurance contracts are still owned by the banking sector today. But the entry into force 1eh September 2022 of the reform of the Lemoine law could well change the situation of quasi-monopoly enjoyed by loan organizations. Now free to switch loan insurance at any time and for free, owner-borrowers will be the first beneficiaries of new legal provisions that will finally encourage them to turn to other solutions and new practices.

Tailor-made contracts at the right price

Determined to offer cheaper, non-binding and more qualitative loan insurance contracts, Luko has chosen to become an external delegate for banking institutions for the qualitative management of mortgage insurance. This delegation of management is to the full benefit of policyholders, who realize real savings, maintain their level of cover and benefit from an optimized customer relationship. Specialist insurance companies such as Luko focus on the offer offered to policyholders and determine personal coverage that corresponds to their real needs. Unlike banks, which usually seek to make a profit on the insurance associated with the capital of a mortgage loan. A win-win approach that also allows Luko to offer innovative services, to take responsibility for the cancellation of his old insurance, while offering an attractive rate that can save up to 15,000 euros in savings borrower.

The benefits of a 100% digital offer

From subscription to support, the complete digitization of new insurance companies like Luko guarantees flexibility for the insured. Subscription in a few minutes online and support for canceling old policies promote easy and quick access to the coverage offered. Daily administration is possible with a few clicks, to add a guarantee, an option, declare a claim or benefit from reactive customer support available every day, even on Sundays.

The belief in transparency

In terms of claims management, the training offered by Luko promotes the transparency of the actions carried out, with explanations of each step to the policyholders, to fully understand where the guarantees taken out begin and end.

Neo-forsikring offers all its services without obligation (house insurance, borrower’s insurance, etc.), which further reinforces the desire to give the insured freedom of choice.



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