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HomeUnited StateThe United States invite themselves to the Ferme du Marault in Magny-Cours...

The United States invite themselves to the Ferme du Marault in Magny-Cours for a weekend of “excess”

Hundreds, if not thousands, of fans of excess have been gathering since Friday July 8 at the Ferme du Marault in Magny-Cours. The passion that drives them? Big cars, country, Uncle Sam… The USA.

At the origin of this weekend organized around the country they love, and sometimes idolize, the Cras’h Boulons biker club. Its president, Jackie Gaillard, is already delighted with this second edition: “I love America! The Marault site lends itself perfectly to this, it’s a little western. We expect 5,000 people throughout the weekend. The only goal for us is to party. »

Partying is what Martine and Patrice Lescamme, a couple of young retired expatriates from Nièvre, came to do. “Not in the United States, that, we would love to, but in the Allier,” says Patrice in his folding chair, out of sight, behind his 83 Corvette. Legs à la Elvis and mustache à la Hulk Hogan . “I regret from time to time not having gone to live there”, thinks Patrice before his partner takes him back, “but it’s not too late! »

Oh yes, I like the big cars and the excessiveness of the United States. I don’t know why, but that’s how it is.

What drives them is the passion for excess. “Oh yes, I like the big cars and the excessiveness of the United States. I don’t know why, but that’s how it is. We don’t have that in France. There is also country, ”continues Martine. This couple is aware that the United States, which they idolize and glorify through this type of event, no longer exists. “It has changed a lot there. But that doesn’t stop us from dreaming and being passionate,” adds Patrice.

“It’s like an airplane, but it rolls”

During the event, Donald Pottier, 65, shaggy hair was fiddling with an atypical car. “It’s like a plane, but it rolls,” laughs this retiree. Quite proud of his Dragster, he will make it roar on Sunday July 10 in front of, he hopes, a crowd. Its 6,000 horsepower racing machine, coming straight from the United States, can reach 467 km/h in just 400 m. “It’s an F5 engine, an old American fighter plane,” he explains to the curious gathered in front of the machine.

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premium A weekend on US time

“I’ve always had a passion for motorcycles, and then I got into drag racing 25 years ago,” Donald reports. Since then, he has scoured US festivals and traveled the world to race his speed monster. He will be present this Sunday, July 10 for demonstrations in the morning and afternoon.

The program can be found on
For Sunday:
9 am, opening of the site;
9:30 a.m., opening of the stands;
10 a.m., departure of the motorcycle ride;
11:30 a.m., dragster demonstration by Donald Pottier;
12 p.m., lunch break;
2 p.m., parade of pin-ups;
2:15 p.m., dragster demonstration by Donald Pottier;
2:30 p.m., Bo and The Reapers concert (blues), country/rockabilly dancing;
4:30 p.m., prize giving for the show bike and for the most beautiful American car;
5 p.m., parade and pin-up contest;
5:30 p.m., raffle draw;
6:30 p.m., site closed.

Simon Dubos
Photos Christophe Masson




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