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HomeCatsThis inseparable rabbit and cat are best friends (video)

This inseparable rabbit and cat are best friends (video)

Understanding between different species of animals is often far from easy. However, the exceptional bond between Ahsoka, the gray kitten, and Echo, the rabbit, is proof that exceptions exist, and that they give rise to stories full of love and tenderness.

Ryanne and Jake Palermo live surrounded by several pets. 2 cats have recently joined the household full of hairballs, and one of them, Ahsokawill upset their daily lives, as reported lovemeow.

Illustration of the article: This inseparable rabbit and cat are the best friends in the world (video)

@thepalermoclan / Instagram

The gray kitten, affectionate from her first days, met the rabbit of the house, named Echo, as soon as she reached the age of 12 weeks. The agreement between the 2 animals was immediate, since since the day of their meeting, they have never left each other.

A thunderbolt

The duo quickly became inseparable. Echo did not usually spend time with the other felines in the house, but with Ahsokaeverything was about to change.

Illustration of the article: This inseparable rabbit and cat are the best friends in the world (video)

@thepalermoclan / Instagram

He made her his best friend, and took her under his wing. He was the biggest animal in the house, so he took the opportunity to show him around every corner of it. It didn’t take long for the two of them to share their bed every night.

I think he was protective of her, and was like a father to her, although she quickly grew taller than him over time. ” entrusts Ryanne at lovemeow.

A fusional bond between 2 different species

Illustration of the article: This inseparable rabbit and cat are the best friends in the world (video)

@thepalermoclan / Instagram

When the sister ofAhsoka passed away due to health issues, their bond grew even stronger. The gray cat loved her rabbit friend so much that when he had to go to the vet for a night, she waited for him all night in his cage.

Ahsokawho was on a diet, also took pleasure in stealing the food of his favorite companion, who did not hold it against him and who willingly shared ” her salad with her “.

An exceptional relationship, which obviously saddened the whole family when the rabbit unfortunately died overnight, at the age of 7. Since, Ahsoka did not seek comfort from her feline companions, but preferred to stay with her human parents, because for her, no other animal could replace her tender Echo…And she will be faithful to him all her life.



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