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HomeCatsThis mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens...

This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

Having always lived on the streets, this cat was afraid of people. But out of love for her little ones, she overcame her fear.

Biscuit is a former stray cat. After giving birth to 3 babies on the street, she was taken care of by a veterinary clinic in Californiato United States. It’s the shelter Boomer’s Buddies Rescue who then fetched the whole cat family.

Biscuit and her kittens were in very bad condition

When Biscuit and her kittens arrived at the shelter, they were in very poor condition. All were infested with fleas, they were also very thin. At 5 weeks old, the kittens had the weight of 3-week-old cats.

Illustration of the article: This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

© kittyboyandfriends / TikTok

The stunted growth was due to the difficulties encountered Biscuit on the street. When she had not found enough food, she produced some milk for her kittens. Unfortunately, one of them did not survive.

Biscuit was very afraid of people

When the family was discovered, Biscuit was terrorized by humans. She was constantly hiding and hissing when someone approached her. To help the mother socialize and to consider a future adoption, the entire family was placed in a foster home.

Illustration of the article: This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

© kittyboyandfriends / TikTok

When she arrived at her new home, Biscuit made a great effort. Realizing that this new environment was healthy and good for her young children, she overcame her fear and dared to get out of her carrier.

Illustration of the article: This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

© kittyboyandfriends / TikTok

Surrounded by love and well fed, the little ones have caught up with their growth delay. They were named Butter (Butter) and Jam (Jam). “Butter is very sweet and calm. He always politely waits his turn for feeding. Jam, on the other hand, has a wilder character. He is always meowing for food and running around like crazy”, their adoptive mother told A green planet.

Illustration of the article: This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

© kittyboyandfriends / TikTok

On his side, Biscuit has also made great progress. Desperately in need of love, she decided to ask her mother for it. Over time, she has become the cutest of them all.

Illustration of the article: This mother cat overcame her fear of humans to bring her kittens to the safety of a family

© kittyboyandfriends / TikTok

The 2 little ones have now been adopted, and the mother has no problems finding a home either, as she is no longer afraid of people.



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