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This vegetarian reveals the negative effects of the lack of meat on her body (the photos)!

Kristel Kazumi famous Dutch Youtuber formerly vegetarian, reveals the effects of the lack of meat on her body! It’s SHOCK

We know that to be healthyit is important to have a good Alimentation. To eat balanced meals, to vary mealsto think about proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and drink water.

Some people think thatmeat consumption should be kept to a minimum. This is an idea shared by Kristel Kazumi. But after four years, she decided to stop her vegetarian diet and eat meat again. And the change is striking.

Is Kristen Kazumi in better shape since she started eating meat?

That’s what she says. For four years, the young woman has decided to stop eating meat. More and more people decide to do the same. After all, most of us eat too much meat.

This overconsumption plays an important role in global warming, in addition to causing slaughterhouses to behave undignified manner towards animals. The solution is to reduce consumption, or even to completely stop eat meat and become a vegetarian.

For four years, Kristen went without meat. But she decided to stop her diet and change his diet to eat meat again. And after three weeks, her results are clear. She feels healthier, and even more beautiful.

The skin has improved, the face is less puffy. But the best, it’s that I no longer have the impression that I will die,” she wrote, sharing a photo montage.

We see her on a vegetarian side, with a rather dull complexion and pimples. And on the other hand, she recently became a meat lover. She flaunts great skin and looks, indeed, in better shape.

Eat meat to be healthy? Internet users are divided…

First of all, there are those for whom the photos prove nothing. A little make-up, editing software, and you’re done: you can make people believe what you want. Next, they don’t know exactly what diet Kristen was on. She was vegetarianyes, but did she eat balanced meals?

Was she careful not to suffer from deficiencies ? If not, that might explain why she wasn’t feeling well. Others believe the young woman.

“We are carnivores first,” wrote one user. One user wrote, while another said “the difference is visible”.

After all, this assembly and this testimony will only allow everyone to reassure themselves in their convictions. The vegetarians will say that she did not follow her diet correctly and meat is not good for health. Meat eaters will use this example to prove to vegetarians that human beings must eat meat to be healthy.

How does the body react when you become a vegetarian?

The reality is that a person who becomes a vegetarian do without meat. And the body reacts to this change. The bacterial flora of a vegetarian is not the same as that of a meat eater. “A meat diet involves significant bile secretions.

Therefore, the flora is adapted to this environment rich in bilewhich is not the case for the microbiota of vegetarians, for example”, notes Dr Sébastien Demange, member of the nutrition and health committee of the Vegetarian Association of France (AVF).

Vegetarians have a more abundant microbiota, rich in Firmicutes. These are bacteria that ferment fibers and vegetable sugars.


When we stop eating meatwe go through a processing phase short and sometimes unpleasant. In effect, during this phasebloating, flatulence and even digestive spasms may appear.

This is why it is advisable to reduce the meat little by little, and to don’t stop eating all of a suddenespecially if you eat it often. To allow the organization to adapt as well as possible, so that the change is not too violent.

Do not force yourself on the fibers and rather opt, especially at the beginning, for legumes and semi-complete cereals. It’s essential to avoid deficiencies.



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