Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeInsuranceUnemployment insurance is not life insurance

Unemployment insurance is not life insurance

We believe that we understand the basic idea of ​​this reform: why compensate so many individuals when it is so difficult to recruit in France and job offers are abundant and do not find takers? Our unemployment benefit system, considered too generous, should evolve in line with the economic situation.

In reality, we are confusing several topics (at least) that probably have nothing to do with each other.

The first : the difficult adaptation in our country of workers (in a broad sense) to the labor market (professional sectors that have not been valued for decades, employees who have become unemployed over time due to the lack of mandatory training periods, aging and outdated education system . . . ) .

The second : compensation that is no longer exclusively reserved for unemployed wage earners. By compensating employees who are actors in the termination of their employment contract, we are wrong in our objective.

Back to Employment Allowance, it is not, like life insurance, a wool stocking that you build up while you work, a mandatory savings that everyone should benefit from at all costs. None. It is a system based on citizen solidarity, the purpose of which is to help those who are deprived of employment time to find a new professional activity. And it is legitimate to take age-related difficulties into account in this research.

On the other hand, it is shocking to help those who decide to leave their work to recharge their batteries in the countryside, educate their children or organize an early retirement. All you have to do is ask for the usual termination of your employment contract or, if the employer refuses, become uncomfortable.

Everyone is free to quit their job. Solidarity has nothing to do with it.

The third : our compensation system does not include any incentives to return to work.

Encouragement is not punishment. Yet this is the underlying idea of ​​the coming reform. The situation can be flourishing: if your region is affected, if your skills are not in demand, the reduction of the compensation will have little effect.

Encourage and push those whose fears are legitimate to agree to change path, region, specialty, profession. Job security plans should be able to inspire us. A number of measures could be implemented. Let’s help job seekers, for example by paying them a Quick Return to Work bonus. The longer the unemployment period, the lower the chances of returning. We must act quickly. Job seekers need to feel supported and not suspect. Imagine relocation bonuses, bonuses intended to accompany the purchase of a vehicle or a loan at zero interest, significant support intended for companies that would be ready to recruit the long-term unemployed,

Our compensation system deserves to be redesigned.

The change in the methods of calculating the compensation offered will not be sufficient to return to full employment, so dear to our policies.