Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeUnited StateUnited States: Biden's health condition, positive for COVID-19, continues to improve

United States: Biden’s health condition, positive for COVID-19, continues to improve

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – COVID-19-positive U.S. President Joe Biden’s condition continues to improve and his symptoms – scratchy throat, runny nose, cough, muscle aches – are “less bothersome”, it said. his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, in a note on Saturday.

Joe Biden, 79, was likely infected with the highly contagious BA5 variant, which caused a resurgence of the epidemic in the United States.

“The president continues to tolerate treatment well. We will continue Paxlovid as planned,” the note reads, referring to the antiviral treatment developed by Pfizer.

The White House sought to highlight Joe Biden’s ability to work despite COVID-19, releasing a video on Thursday – the day his diagnosis was announced – in which he reassured Americans about his state of health. Biden took part in meetings with his advisers on Friday via videoconference.

(Report Jeff Mason; French version Jean Terzian)



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