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HomeKitchenVegetable and fruit juice diet for weight loss: does it work?

Vegetable and fruit juice diet for weight loss: does it work?

Juicing is an easy way to get many nutrients without having to eat whole fruits and vegetables. Many people claim that it is a useful tool for losing weight. The juice diet trend has grown in popularity over the years, but its effectiveness is controversial. This article will explore whether juicing can really help you lose weight.

What is juicing?

Juicing is the process of extracting the liquid from fruits and vegetables while removing the solids. This can be done by hand or with a motorized centrifuge. Fruit and vegetable juice does not contain skin, seeds or pulp. It contains some nutrients and antioxidants, but not the beneficial fiber found in whole fruits and vegetables. Some people use the juice as a “detox” method. However, no scientific study has shown that replacing solid foods with juice can detoxify the body.

People also use juices as dietary supplements and for weight loss. However, while juices can be rich in certain nutrients, consuming them exclusively is not a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. In general, juice recipes contain the juice of fruits and vegetables. Common recipes are based on carrots, celery, spinach, apples, oranges, wheatgrass or a combination of these products. Many also contain spices like turmeric and ginger.

Juice diets and their effects

There are several types of juice diets. The most common is juice fasting, which involves replacing meals with fruit and vegetable juices. The goal is to lose weight by abstaining from consuming solid foods while ingesting a significant amount of the nutrients found in the juice. In general, these diets are very low in calories. Some people do juice fasts for just a few days, while others follow them for weeks. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of juicing diets is not well studied, but many people claim that they provide rapid weight loss.

Juicing diets can significantly reduce caloric intake.

To lose weight, you must maintain a calorie deficit, which means that you consume fewer calories than you expend. Many juice diets are devoid of solid foods and extremely low in calories. This results in a significant calorie deficit for many people, so fruit juice diets often lead to weight loss, at least in the short term. However, once your calorie intake returns to normal after the juice diet, you will likely regain some, if not all, of the lost weight.

Juice diets are not satiating

Since fruit juice diets contain no solid foods, you may feel hungrier than usual on this type of diet.
This is because liquid meals, especially those high in carbohydrates, are less satiating than solid foods. Solid foods are more filling because they contain fiber and protein, two important nutrients that have appetite-reducing properties. Fiber can reduce appetite because it can slow stomach emptying and increase digestion time (9Trusted Source). As for protein, it increases hormone levels that signal satiety, which is essential for appetite regulation (10Trusted Source).

Juice diets affect your metabolism

The severe calorie deficit that many juice diets cause can have a destructive effect on your metabolism. These diets are characterized by rapid weight loss and limited protein intake, which can lead to reduced muscle mass. Because muscles are metabolically active, people with reduced muscle mass have lower resting energy expenditure. This means that they burn fewer calories at rest than those with more muscle. Also, your body feels starved when you drastically reduce your calorie intake, and so it works to preserve calories by burning fewer of them. Controlled studies have confirmed this effect in people on a calorie-restricted diet.

Potential Health Risks of Fruit Juices

Juicing is generally safe if you only do it for a few days at a time. Plus, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a great addition to a healthy diet, as long as you really enjoy them and don’t drink excessive amounts of juice with added sugar. However, juice fasts carry some risks when extended.

A lack of fiber

Whole fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber, but most fiber is removed during the juicing process. Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. It’s important to eat enough of these for optimal digestion, as they keep the beneficial bacteria in your gut healthy and can reduce constipation in some people.

Nutrient deficiencies

There are a few reasons why doing juice fasts for long periods of time can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Since these diets are devoid of animal products, they are low in certain essential nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, iron, vitamin B12 and zinc. All of these nutrients have important functions in the body. Insufficient consumption can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis and anemia. Juice fasts are also low in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that fight inflammation and support brain and heart health.

In addition to being low in specific nutrients, these diets can actually interfere with nutrient absorption. One reason for this is that juice diets tend to be low in fat, which is needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Additionally, some raw vegetables often used in juices contain an antinutrient called oxalate, which can bind to minerals in your body and prevent them from being absorbed. In rare cases, high levels of oxalates can cause kidney damage. Common oxalate-rich vegetables used in fruit juices include spinach and other green vegetables, such as beets, kale, beets, Swiss chard and turnips (22Trusted Source).

Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and weakness are common side effects of juice fasting. These symptoms are likely to occur due to the low calorie count in these diets. If you deprive your body of calories, you are essentially depriving it of energy, which can lead to these unwanted effects.

Reduction in lean muscle mass

The minimal amount of protein in most juice fasts can lead to a reduction in lean muscle mass, which can have a negative effect on your health.
When your lean muscle mass decreases, your metabolism also decreases, which means you’ll burn fewer calories and may have a harder time maintaining your weight loss.

Do fruit juices help with weight loss?

There is no formal research to support the idea that juicing helps with weight loss. Based on anecdotal evidence, it’s clear that juicing diets can lead to rapid short-term weight loss, especially when very low in calories. However, such severe calorie restriction can have negative health effects, especially if you follow the diet for more than a few days in a row.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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