By Mathieu Delahousse
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Didier Migaud’s trip to Bobigny on 10 October. CYRIL ZANNETTACCI. SET FOR THE NEW OBS
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Story Visiting the Bobigny court, the new Minister of Justice was able to assess the challenges facing justice in light of the scale of crime and human trafficking. And this, while he has to fight for his budget not to be reduced as much as expected, while at the same time posing as a defender of the rule of law against attacks from his colleague from the Ministry of the Interior.
Seven hours of face-to-face time and only an outburst of laughter. Between the judges at the Bobigny court and the new minister of justice, opportunities to rejoice are rare this Thursday, October 10. Didier Migaud chose Seine-Saint-Denis and its court – the second in France – for his first trip to the heart of the legal world. He will be served. At the moment, everyone in the large conference room has come to scrutinize this new minister of justice, who since the beginning of the government is said to have been muted or even in a state of weakness vis-à-vis the current minister. of the interior Bruno Retaileau decided to “restore order”. No one discusses the dispute openly. The unspoken word suddenly breaks when Balbin judges and prosecutors reject their activities. One of them, Julien Retaileau, first vice-president of the court, makes fun of his surname: “It’s a name that you know but has no connection!” “.
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Indeed, in Bobigny, the thundering declarations of the Minister of the Interior, nuanced since, about the “rule of law” which would not be “holy”, is on everyone’s mind. Minister of Justice Didier Migaud knows that with the budget and the funds, the question will be one of the big issues that will arise from the immersion he wanted to do here. For the occasion, he took the trip together with almost all directors and advisers in his ministry.
With a permanent slime that stands in singular contrast to the impatient energy of his predecessor Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister Migaud, not fond of small sentences, constructs the defense of justice with fine detail. Regarding juvenile delinquency, for example, during a first meeting with senior judges, he noted that “Sometimes the proposed solutions go in the direction of public opinion, but are not a guarantee of better justice: we have constitutional principles which mean that justice for minors is not that for adults”. Later he notes: “There is sometimes criticism against justice. However, its work must be perceived by society, including by public officials. »
100 police custody per day
The fact is that, contrary to the caricatures disseminated, neither the minister nor the judges intend to remain passive in the face of crime and criminality, which within the jurisdiction of the Bobigny court is developing disproportionately. Everyone wants to tell the truth. “The most criminogenic department in France, before Bouches-du-Rhône”, describes prosecutor Eric Mathais, Seine-Saint-Denis has issued 100 custody orders every 24 hours, ” daily stabs » and large packages with cash that waters the local economy “. The minister and even several judges cannot mask their astonishment when those responsible for fighting organized crime or against the prostitution of minors, in a rare exercise, submit their edifying diagnoses.
During Didier Migaud’s trip to Bobigny on 10 October. CYRIL ZANNETTACCI. SET FOR THE NEW OBS
” In drug cases, firearms are now used completely unrestrained, day and night, in front of children… There have been 12 murders by an organized gang since the beginning of the year and 93 attempted murders with firearms », laments deputy prosecutor Alice Dubernet, head of the criminal section. ” Not 48 hours go by without a shot being fired. “, she explains, adding that judges have ” feeling overwhelmed by these things “.
“Extreme professionalization of human traffickers”
Similarly, Judge Retaileau emphasizes ” the extreme professionalization of human traffickers “. Muriel Eglin, head of the children’s court, is disturbed by the number of children under the age of 18 who must be looked after, but even more so by a possible immediate appearance for minors » criminals, as suggested by certain deputies, who, according to her, will further contribute to the disorganization “.
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At the end of the day, visibly affected by these testimonies, Didier Migaud seemed to think aloud with the judges and the prosecutors. He wants them thank “, he said several times. ” All of this will support the speech I will be making for the 2025 Budget “, he whispers, while at the same time Matignon announces that the credits of the Ministry of Justice will be “reassessed”, while the framework letters from Bercy initially envisaged a reduction of 1.5 billion – in the end, the justice budget should be reduced by 500 million euros. ” The citizen is not aware of the work the judge does both to sanction when necessary, but also to protect and contribute to reintegrationfurther regrets the Minister of Justice. You are right to be proud of delivering justice in the name of the French people. »
Checkered workforce
Some phrases appreciated by the president of the Bobigny court. Peimane Ghaleh-Marzban describes ” a martial jurisdiction, an exemplary laboratory located in a department of vulnerability and serious crime » but he warns the ministry against the sawtooth workforce, the drama of the jurisdiction » who are constantly trying to find positions to reorganize themselves, whether in the face of domestic violence, which is also increasing, or in the face of organized crime: the specialized judges of Bobigny would favor the creation within their court of a center for combating organized crime with a concentration of resources.
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Didier Migaud took note. Behind the scenes, his advisers went to meet the referees’ and staff unions. Only the CGT avoided the Minister of Justice during his seven-hour immersion in court, and the union condemned ” a minister who belongs to a government as a result of a democratic hold-up “.
Didier Migaud, Minister of Justice, during his trip to Bobigny. CYRIL ZANNETTACCI. SETS FOR THE “NEW OBS”
The day before, before the Legislative Committee, a deputy who asked him what he ” had been through this mess “, becomes ” progressive adherence to a far-right government », the minister had claimed his choice: I agreed to participate in a government that is not uniform. Rest assured that I will stand up for my beliefs. »