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72% of the French are ready to produce and consume their own electricity

While with the energy crisis blackouts are planned this winter, a survey by the OpinionWay institute for EDF ENR shows that the French want to become more independent.

If all is well at the moment on the French power grid, blackouts are still possible this winter. Concerned, the French have also downloaded the EcoWatt application more than a million times. Its purpose is to be able to warn users in case of tension on the network.

Get out of the announced increase in the electricity bill

In front of energy crisis, the French increasingly want to produce their own electricity no longer be more autonomous, but also to get out of the announced increase in electricity bills at the start of 2023 (and gas too). The OpinionWay survey for EDF ENR shows that for 72% of the French, producing and consuming their own solar energy is the best way to control their budget.

Divide the amount of their electric bill by at least two

According to them, the estimated savings potential, thanks to the installation of panels, reaches 32% savings on average. A quarter of respondents (25%) even believe that this could enable them to at least halve their electricity bill.

Solar and wind represent only 19.3% of final gross energy consumption

Furthermore, this week wind turbines and solar panels are at the center of debates in the National Assembly with a bill aimed at simplifying the development of renewable energy in France. To date, solar and wind represent only 19.3% of final gross energy consumption, despite a 2020 target of 23%.

For 60% of the population, producing and consuming their own electricity will become the norm

For 60% of the population, producing and consuming their own electricity will become the norm in the near future. And this will go through solar energy, which is considered obvious to overcome the depletion of fossil fuels for almost eight out of 10 respondents (78%), which will also promote the generalization of self-consumption in buildings for almost every other French (49 %).

Finally, more than three-quarters of the French (78%) believe that investment in solar energy is not massive enough, and the lack of incentives is, for almost every second, the main reason for the delay in France in the field (48%).



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