Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeDogsThrown into a dumpster, a chihuahua narrowly saved from the garbage disposal

Thrown into a dumpster, a chihuahua narrowly saved from the garbage disposal

The little dog was then in a very bad position, this Saturday, October 8. He was indeed spotted in a dumpster at the Châteauneuf-sur-Loire waste disposal center in Loiret, when the roller compactor had just started to grind the waste.

For the manager of the Châteauneuf-sur-Loire waste disposal centre, there is no doubt about what happened to a chihuahua saved in extremis this Saturday, October 8. It was intentionally thrown into the dumpster. And he owes his salvation only to the vigilance of the staff who, alerted by his little cries, ended up discovering him at the bottom of the container.

A narrow rescue, since the little dog was then in a very bad position, as told The Republic of the Center. He was indeed spotted when the roller compactor had just started to grind the waste.

“Concretely, he could not fall on his own”

“We grabbed it and we managed to get it out. There is a one-meter-high wall in front of our dumpsters. In concrete terms, it could not fall on its own,” the site manager told our colleagues. In the absence of a tattoo, it is impossible to know the owners of the animal.

But the chihuahua should soon have a new family. Because his misadventure was shared on social networks. And in the midst of the many messages denouncing the cruelty of the treatment reserved for him, several people have already offered to adopt him.



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