Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeInsuranceWhat insurance to take out for a micro business?

What insurance to take out for a micro business?

That micro-enterprises are sole proprietorships whose annual turnover does not exceed the statutory thresholds. In France, these thresholds are 72,600 euros for service activities and 176,200 euros for the sale of goods, food and beverages. Microenterprises have simplified legal and fiscal status. They benefit from a simplified VAT system and a simplified social security system, but this does not mean that you have to save on insurance, in this article we give tips on how to choose your micro business insurance.

Microinsurance in business: a necessity!

Despite their importance, micro-enterprises are often at a disadvantage compared to large enterprises in terms of access to services and markets. This is mainly because they generally have fewer financial resources and staff than large companies. They are also more exposed to the risks associated with their activity because they often have little or no social security coverage and/or insurance.

However, micro-entrepreneurs need one customized insurance to their situation and needs. Insurance allows micro-entrepreneurs to protect themselves against the risks associated with their activity, such as accidentsthem fires where is flights. It can also give them legal protection sufficient in the event of a dispute with a customer or supplier.

By taking out insurance, micro-entrepreneurs benefit from protection adapted to their situation and needs. It allows them to focus on their core business and protect themselves from the risks associated with it.

There are insurances adapted to the needs of micro-enterprises. They generally are cheaper than conventional insurance, because they take into account that micro-enterprises generally have fewer resources than large enterprises. Micro business insurance can cover various risks such as public responsibility, them Property damagethem operating loss or even legal protection. Taking out insurance when you are self-employed is an effective way to protect yourself against the risks associated with your professional activity.

The main risks covered

The insurance can be taken out with a private insurance company or a public body. It is adapted to the specific needs of micro-enterprises. In addition, it allows you to take advantage of advantageous prices and special guarantees.

The main risks covered by the insurance are:

  • Health risk: it includes medical expenses, hospital treatment, dental expenses etc.
  • Life risk: this includes funeral expenses, loss of income in the event of death, etc.
  • The risk of civil liability: this includes damage caused to third parties, loss or theft of property, etc.
  • Occupational risk: it includes occupational accidents, occupational diseases, etc.


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