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Grouch. After the attack on his wife and his dog, Marc calls for witnesses

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After the attack on his wife and his dog, in Ronchin on May 14, Marc Joly is calling for witnesses. © Marc Joly / Collage

15 days with ITT (total incapacity) for Sandrine and one week hospitalization for Abby, little bichon 12 years old. This Sunday 14 May 2023, To Ronchin (North)the Joly family went for a walk on the occasion of a neighborhood jumble sale when a “staff-type” dog without a master at the end of the leash attacked Sandrine and Abby. Furious that they ran away, Marc calling for witnesses to find the owners of the dog, asking “that they accept their responsibilities”.

“My dog ​​flew like a rag doll”

It was a classic family Sunday. A ray of sunshine, a neighborhood street sale and the desire to get some fresh air. Marc and Sandrine went to rue Roger Salengro in Ronchin, accompanied by their bichon Abby, “a 12-year-old grandmother”.

In this street, teeming with exhibitors and strollers, a few dozen meters from the local school, Marc Joly spoke to the newly elected mayor of Ronchin. Seconds after leaving it, a dog of the “Staff or American Bully” type, equipped with a harness and leash, but without a master at the end, rushes right at Abby, weighing almost 9 kilos.

“He stopped for a few seconds and went on the attack. My dog ​​flew like a rag doll,” recalls Marc, still amazed.

His wife Sandrine, who was holding Abby on a leash, tried to pull her to save her bichon, but was attacked in turn after being violently grabbed by the hand.

Marc, a direct eyewitness to the attack, grabbed the attacking dog by the harness: “I hit him in the right eye and nose to make him escape, he says. Of course, a lot of people around tried to separate the dogs. He ended up falling backward.”

But the family’s nightmare does not end there: Sandrine faints at the sight of her completely torn off thumb until she is taken care of by the emergency services.

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15 days of ITT and one week of hospitalization

The result of the attack is final: 15 days of ITT and a few stitches for Sandrine, “extremely lucky” according to SOS main and who should regain all her motor skills. For Abby, the assessment is “several tears, a perforation of the thorax, a hematoma in the spleen and two visits to the operating room. Good news: he is gradually regaining his energy.

If Marc is relieved that his wife and his dog are almost recovered, he is nevertheless furious that the masters have escaped and launches an appeal for witnesses on Facebook.

“I can understand that a dog escapes the responsibility of its master, says Marc, but this dog in a public place remains dangerous, you have to be aware of the strength of these animals. »

After filing a complaint at Lille police station, the case remains open and an investigation is underway, but Marc Joly hopes to achieve justice after this event, which could have had serious consequences.

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