Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeDogsA decapitated dog thrown on a sidewalk in Essonne

A decapitated dog thrown on a sidewalk in Essonne


In Brunoy, in Essonne, the body of a headless dog was discovered on a sidewalk in the city. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation will file a complaint.

New act of cruelty in France. On June 10, a volunteer from the Brigitte Bardot Foundation relayed on social networks the horrible discovery of a decapitated dog in the town of Brunoy, in Essonne (91). On the images shared on Facebook, we can see a Malinois shepherd half wrapped in a garbage bag, strewing the sidewalk of the town of around 25,000 souls.

“It was a friend who contacted me, disgusted to see that we had been able to leave a dead animal like this”, told the “Parisian” Jenny Jen, volunteer within the association for the defense of animals. “There was no blood on the spot. The dog also has no injuries that could suggest that his death was due to a road accident, specifies the volunteer. With the elements together, we believe that the animal was killed elsewhere and dumped here as trash,” she added.

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The mayor of the city Bruno Gallier and his constituents said they were “shocked” by the find. “I’ve never seen this before. We have an organization that collects dead animals. We asked them to do their best to identify the owner of the animal. But nothing indicates, for the moment, that he lived in Brunoy. The person who did this may live elsewhere and could very well have dropped him off,” he told the newspaper. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation said on Sunday that it would file a complaint and launch an appeal for witnesses in order to find the perpetrator. She asked for “a strong condemnation so that this barbaric act does not go unpunished”.



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