Jewels stolen from Coulanges-lès-Nevers
Jewelery has disappeared from a property where a window was smashed. The theft was noticed on Wednesday, December 7.
A fuel theft in Azy-le-Vif
Six hundred liters of fuel were stolen from a farm. Operators discovered the theft on Thursday, December 8.
He refuses priority to the police in Nevers
A motorist refused to yield to a police vehicle on Thursday, December 8 at around 4:30 p.m. in Place Chaméane. When he was asked to stop his engine to be checked, he took a long time to park his car, which ended up hitting the police car. The police found that he was driving without insurance.
premium The mayor of Guérigny insulted for twenty-five minutes in the market by a motorist to whom he lectured
A moped driver was injured in Nevers
A moped rider was injured and taken to hospital after a collision between his two-wheeler and a car, on Thursday, December 8 at around 1 p.m., rue Bernard-Palissy. The police noted that he was driving without a road safety certificate and without insurance.
The motorist accumulates offenses in Nevers
No insurance. No driver’s license. And driving under the influence of intoxicants. Thus, a motorist, injured in a head-on collision with another car, circulated on Thursday, December 8 around 5 p.m., rue Alsace-Lorraine. She was taken to the hospital.
A fire in a room in Marzy
A fire ravaged a room in a house on the rue de Loire during the night between Thursday December 8 and Friday December 9, around midnight. The disaster, probably of electrical origin, required the evacuation of the two occupants, who were not injured.