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Abortion in the United States: Georgia suspended from the decision of the Supreme Court

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The decision could fall tomorrow, Thursday June 23, 2022, or by the end of the month at the latest: the cancellation by the Supreme Court of the country of the federal judgment which guarantees women the right to abortion since 1973. But about twenty conservative states have already planned everything and are waiting for this decision to completely ban or restrict abortion even more. Close-up on one of these states: Georgia.

Abortion is still legal in Georgia until 22 weeks of pregnancy. But if the Supreme Court allows states to choose, as a leaked internal document a few weeks ago suggests, a law passed in 2018 will apply. Currently blocked by the courts, it prohibits abortion from six weeks of pregnancy, even before most women know they are pregnant. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, who signed it, made it a strong case for re-election in November 2022 in the midterm elections. In this traditionally conservative state, but where the Democrats are gaining ground, each camp – pro and anti-abortion – anticipates the decision and tries to mobilize. This is a report from Marie Normand.

Lockdown in Ecuador

Tenth day of mobilization, this June 22, 2022, in Ecuador against the high cost of living and rising fuel prices. Thousands of natives confront the police and the army, deployed in large numbers in the streets of the country. Two natives have already died in the clashes with the police. President Guillermo Lasso accuses indigenous organizations of creating chaos and wanting to oust him from power. Under the fire of criticism, the conservative leader ended yesterday (June 21, 2022) by accepting the proposal for mediation that had been submitted to him by more than 300 Ecuadorian civil society organizations. The indigenous organizations, they condition their participation in this dialogue: they demand the repeal of the state of emergency, the end of the repression against the demonstrators and the demilitarization of two traditional places of gathering of the indigenous, occupied since this week. -end by the police and the army.

Colombia: ex-FARC leader admits responsibility for more than 20,000 kidnappings

“Timochenko”, the former leader of the defunct Marxist FARC guerrillas in Colombia, admitted on Tuesday June 21, 2022 his responsibility for more than 20,000 kidnappings perpetrated by his group during the armed conflict. Sitting in front of several former hostages and their families in an auditorium in Bogota, Rodrigo Londono took responsibility for these kidnappings, along with six other former high commanders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. All are currently charged by the special jurisdiction for peace (JEP), born of the peace agreement which in 2016 ended the conflict with the guerrillas. On behalf of the 13,000 fighters who signed this agreement, the former rebel leader recognized the “individual and collective responsibility for one of the most abominable crimes committed” by the Marxist organization.

On the front page of the Journal de la 1time

Return of the “big show”, this Wednesday evening (June 22, 2022), in the skies of French Guiana, with the launch by Ariane 5 of two telecommunications satellites in geostationary orbit.




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