Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HomeUnited StateAnother shooting in the United States leaves one dead and two injured

Another shooting in the United States leaves one dead and two injured

LThe United States is once again in mourning after a shooting. A suspect was arrested and taken into custody on Thursday June 16 after firing in front of a church in Vestavia Hills in Alabama (southern United States). One person was killed and two others injured, city police said. “Three people at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church were hit by bullets. Two victims are in a local hospital receiving treatment. Unfortunately, one victim died of his injuries, ”explains the Vestavia Hills police on his Facebook page.

Vestavia Hills police said there were “no additional threats” to the town. The shooting took place in front of the church shortly after 6 p.m. (11 p.m. GMT), when a “potluck” was organized, a community meal where everyone brings a dish, according to the Saint Stephen’s website.

Guns have already killed more than 20,000 people in the United States in 2022

The United States is going through an outbreak of gun violence, marked in particular by the massacre in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24, which left 21 people dead, including 19 children. Since the beginning of the year, already more than 20,000 people have died by firearm in the United States, according to the site Gun Violence Archive, which incorporates suicides in its data.

READ ALSOShooting in Texas: 19 children killed, a macabre record

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