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are they all good for health?

With its image of health food associated with the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is the favorite oil of the French! The properties of olive oil are known to be healthy and in particular beneficial for cardiovascular health, thanks to its richness in Omega 9 and its connections phenols. These assets are mostly found in so-called “extra-virgin” oil.

To talk about it, Flavie Flament recipient Sylvie Metzelard. Journalist at 60 Millions de consommateurs, Sylvie talks about the difference between “conventional”, “virgin” and “extra virgin” olive oil: “A conventional oil is just thatit is not organic. Otherwise, you should know that olive oil is harvested by simple mechanical pressure. If the manufacturer does not use heat or another extraction with solvent or steam, it is a “virgin oil”, called first cold pressing. For it to be “extra virgin”, it must also fulfill physico-chemical criteria and sensory strictly defined by a European regulation”, the guest details Here we are.

The trade is full of different oils. Hard to make a choice at the sight of a simple bottle and not be fooled. The journalist found the trick to compare the oils. Just taste them! “The extra virgin must have an impeccable taste quality, she must be fruity, bitter and sharp : if we find a slight taste of rancidity or mold, it is downgraded to virgin”, explains Sylvie Metzelard.

To listen

Are the extra virgin olive oils from supermarkets really that extra?


Why should we be vigilant about packaging?

Between the quality of the olive, storage or transport, it is possible that the production chain intervenes in the degradation of the olive oils. “There can be insufficient washing olives that developed mold on olives stored in wetland ; it can be long-term storage of olives; olives stored or transported and poorly protected from heat or light. For the producers, it would be a concern to arise after them, therefore during transport or during subsequent storage”, points out the guest.

Today, regulations prohibit its use phthalates in the production chain. But it’s hard to say where it comes from pollution : tanks, pipes, tarpaulins during storage or transport. In his investigation, the journalist revealed a few brands that contained phthalates: “The products where we found the most dangerous phthalates (DEHP and DBP)it is at Naturalia, La Vie claire, organic Cauvin And Terra Delyssa”. You should know that DEHP is classified as a documented endocrine disruptor and reproductive toxicant, while it DBP, it is more persistent and bioaccumulative, meaning it stays in the body.

Hydrocarbons can also come diesel engines And lubricants agricultural machinery during harvesting, during storage with tarpaulins, environmental pollution. “They are the ones who contain it Simply good and organic from home Aldi, ecological village And Organic Carapelli. But none exceed the threshold that Europe defines as an acceptable limit, unlike other brands that exceeded 2 mg per kilos, and which was withdrawn from sale in the suppression of fraud, “he recalls. -Hun.

Among the 20 olive oils available on the market that were the subject of the study, about fifteen bottles offer a qualitative product. “Which bottles of ‘conventional’, ‘virgin’ and ‘extra virgin’ olive oil do you recommend?” Flavie Flament asks. “For the best value for money you can choose Prima donna of little in conventional, and the organic crossroads which remains “organically virgin”, summarizes Sylvie Metzelard.

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