Saturday, July 27, 2024 launches insurance against bed bugs launches insurance against bed bugs offers insurance against bed bugs.

The broker offers insurance against bed bugs with IMA and appeals to insurance companies to integrate this guarantee into MRH contracts.

The case is exponential, highly transferable and with often underestimated psychological effects. We are not talking about the latest variant of Covid-19, but about a bed bug infestation. These little creatures that hide in the cracks of the bed and bite you at night are among the most difficult pests to eradicate.

“While the average treatment lasts 3 months, poorly accompanied people take 6 weeks longer to get rid of bed bugs and spend 64% more. Furthermore, with climate change and increased international trade, attacks are likely to increase. Tiger mosquitoes, Asian hornets, rats… Pest attacks have doubled in 5 years »comments Nicolas Roux de Bézieux, founder of

Pest attacks are increasing

62% of the French have been affected by at least one pest in the last 5 years. And 11% of French people have been confronted with bed bugs in the last 10 years, according to an Ifop survey commissioned by This company, set up by specialists in support for victims of pests, registered last September with Orias to distribute insurance against bed bugs.

Before becoming a mediator, Nicolas Roux de Bézieux created a platform to advise and connect victims with referred treatment companies. ” The pest extermination environment is conducive to fraud, such as that of plumbers or locksmiths. Dissatisfaction at processing companies is 75% », comments the co-founder of

The risk of being hit by a bed bug infestation is not or very little covered by home insurance. We contacted MRH insurance companies to include this guarantee in their contracts, but our attempts were unsuccessful because the insurance companies do not know the risk. commented Nicolas Roux de Bézieux.

2 euros per month

After collecting 950,000 euros, decided to launch a dedicated insurance, sold at a price of 2 euros per month. The insured victim of an attack has access to advice via teleconsultation and to a telephone line. The product covers up to 500 euros in treatment costs, after a waiting period of 3 months. The broker has entered into a partnership with IMA as risk bearer. The aid provider also pays for victim rehousing and psychological support.

Nicolas Roux de Bézieux wants to reach 10,000 policyholders in one year. To achieve this, he first targets his base of customers who have benefited from pest control support in the past. He’s also considering partnerships with Airbnb concierges or mattress distributors.

The founder of insists on the interest of insurance companies to integrate a guarantee against harmful in their contracts. ” I believe that the guarantee against pests would strengthen the social role of insurance companies. This would kill three birds with one stone. First, we will provide financial assistance to victims who will spend more money if they try to deal with the attack on their own. By offering certified support, the insurance company also contributes to banishing crooks. Finally, the insurance company solves a painful problem which is a source of stress for the insured concludes Nicolas Roux de Bézieux.



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