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HomeUnited StateHeadline: US reaffirms 'full support' for Lithuania in face of Russian threats

Headline: US reaffirms ‘full support’ for Lithuania in face of Russian threats

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The United States stands firmly with Lithuania, its NATO partner », title the washington post. Washington, which yesterday recalled its “ unfailing attachment ” in article 5 of NATO which provides “ that an attack on an allied country is an attack on all “. Very clear warning explains Die Welt while Russia still does not take off “ against restrictions on goods traffic to its military enclave of Kaliningrad “. Vilnius argues for the simple application of European sanctions, while Moscow denounces for its part ” a real blockade of Kaliningrad “, reports the Russian daily Kommersant,an illegal measure “due to the fact that” transit of goods through Lithuanian territory is regulated by bilateral agreements between Russia and Lithuania. How far will go this crisis in the crisis »? wonders a large part of the European press like La Repubblica who fears that this extension of the Ukrainian conflict ” lead to an uncontrollable escalation of the confrontation between Russia and the West “. The Russian Security Council threat of serious reprisals which will have a negative impact on the Lithuanian population “, notes from his side El País. ” Putin is not bluffing », insists the Suddeutsche Zeitung for who ” Europe must be aware of this threat, which could lead to a real conflict scenario “. Concerns not shared by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung who like the Times of London support that Putin will think twice before attacking a NATO country “.

The two Americans captured by the Russians threatened with death penalty

The American press reports White House consternation ” in the face of the statements of the Kremlin spokesman ” which does not exclude a possible death sentence for these two Americans, arrested last week near Kharkiv while fighting alongside the Ukrainians », notes the New York Times. For Moscow” these soldiers are mercenaries and are therefore not covered by the Geneva Conventions “, explains for his part the Guardian. The British daily which emphasizes ” that they would otherwise be detained by pro-Russian forces in the Donbass “, two separatist republics which unlike Moscow” do not apply a moratorium on the death penalty “. ” Three foreign fighters, two Britons and a Moroccan were already sentenced to death by the Donetsk court earlier this month “, recalls the washington post who notes that the White House ” does not specify what measures it would take if its nationals were to suffer the same fate “.

Covid: Omicron 5 “sweeps over Europe”

The 7th wave is on “, assures the Suddeutsche Zeitungthem ” contaminations are rising strongly throughout Europe “, also explains the Guardian which reports the concern of experts “ in the face of a possible worsening of cases, throughout the summer with the lifting of almost all restrictions and the low rate of vaccination reminders “. ” If Portugal has experienced the most spectacular wave in recent weeks, France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are now affected. “, explains the British daily. The fault of ” Omicron 5 “, as it is called La Repubblicathe BA.5 sub-variant now dominant in the country “, tells us the Italian daily which is reassured by noting that “ in the vast majority of cases it does not cause pneumonia, and can be treated at home “. But the increase in infections could lead to “ more deaths “, for his part warns Die Welt which reports that the city of Berlin plans to take stricter measures very quickly “ including wearing a mask indoors “.

“Jumbo”, the famous floating restaurant in Hong Kong sank in the China Sea

Lots of nostalgia in the press for this legendary 76-meter-long, three-storey restaurant ship. a real chinese imperial palace », marvels the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reminding “ that he had welcomed the greatest of this world, Queen Elizabeth II, former American President Carter or even Tom Cruise “. ” For 46 years it has been one of the symbols of Hong Kong “, notes from his side La Repubblica who is sorry that the pandemic has accelerated its sad end. Debt-ridden, condemned to leave Hong Kong, “ the ship eventually sank in the China Sea while being towed to Cambodia “, reports the South China Morning Post. ” With him, a piece of the history of the former British colony disappears. », is saddened La Repubblica.




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