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Heat wave: how to protect our dogs, cats and pets from the heat?

While a third of France is currently placed on red and orange heat wave alert and heat waves are set to increase in the coming years, our pets are also suffering from the rise in temperatures. Law of nature obliges, if men are responsible for global warming, it is the animals, genetically less well equipped to deal with high heat, who suffer the most.

Indeed, humans have a body temperature regulation system: perspiration. By evaporating through the pores of the skin, sweat allows the heat to be evacuated and thus lowers our body temperature. A natural mechanism that our dear four-legged friends do not have. So what about them and what advice do specialists give to provide the best relief?

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How do dogs and cats regulate their temperature?

With only a few sweat glands between the pads of their paws, dogs and cats are unable to cool themselves sufficiently in the face of high heat. They regulate their body temperature through respiration, but this costs them a lot of energy and heart strain. Functioning as a natural barrier, both against the cold and against the heat, the animal coat helps with thermoregulation. Contrary to a (false) received idea, it is therefore not necessary to cut their hair to help them withstand the summer season.

The two furry beasts are not, however, quite equal in their ability to resist heat. From its African ancestors from desert regions, the cat has inherited genes and behaviors that make it less sensitive to high temperatures than the dog. In the event of a heat wave, our feline friends will instinctively take refuge in the coolest place they can find. Their urinary system also promotes better retention of ingested water than that of canines. But for one as for the other, some advice can really allow owners to promote a certain thermal comfort.

What actions to help dogs withstand the heat?

The most important thing is to refresh them throughout the day by always providing them with a bowl of fresh water.“, explains Laura Daydie, project manager at the 30 million friends foundation. “Fresh and not cold or icy” she specifies, at the risk of causing them digestive disorders or thermal shock. Asked by Geo, the specialist makes the following recommendations:

  • Adapt walking hours to the cooler times of the day (morning and evening)
  • During walks, favor shady corners and earthy floors over the bitumen of the sidewalks (watch out for the pads!)
  • Renew the bowl regularly with fresh water
  • In case of long absence, leave several water points in the house
  • Arrange the home to provide access to a cool place, such as a tiled room
  • Refresh them with a damp towel or washcloth

If the dog is old, sick or suffers from any difficulty that makes it even more sensitive to exposure to the sun and heat, you can possibly use a cooling mat, or simply moisten a bath mat so that it is install there.

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How to relieve our cats during a heat wave?

  • Avoid letting them out during the hottest hours of the day
  • Renew the bowl regularly with fresh water
  • In case of long absence, leave several water points in the house
  • Arrange the home to provide access to a cool place
  • Refresh them with a damp towel or washcloth

If your home is particularly small, or poorly insulated, and it is very hot there, you can also moisten a towel which you then place on the drying rack to create a small cool shelter, your cat will be sure to take shelter there.

Finally for cats as for dogs who generally eat dry and dehydrated croquettes, consider moistening the croquettes with water, or even integrating vegetables rich in water such as pieces of cucumber for example.

What symptoms should alert us to?

Unlike cats, dogs pant, but if they do so very quickly, “it’s heatstroke,” warns Laura Daydie of 30 Million Friends. Do not hesitate to go to the veterinarian to ensure the good health of the animal.

Other signs that your pet is in bad shape include monitoring mucous membranes, lips, and gums. If they redden, this means that your protected suffers from heat stroke and that it is necessary to cool him down as soon as possible and to pay him special attention. Be careful, if his lips turn blue or white, you must go to the veterinarian urgently. Remember to gradually cool the animal with a damp towel and wrap it in it for the road.

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When we talk about “pets”, we often instinctively think of dogs and cats, yet they are not the only companions of humans. Indeed, the “NAC” or “New Pets” are also increasingly part of our homes. Rodents, amphibians, insects or other crustaceans usually live in cages.

Thus, the best and the main advice to apply is to move the cages away from the windows and of course close the shutters. We can again, if necessary, place a damp towel around the cage to relieve them further.

What to do if you find an animal locked in a car?

“At 30 million friends we have a lot of reports of animals locked in a car,” adds Laura Daydie. This is why I would like to remind you that you should never leave an animal in a car, even if you are parked in the shade and the windows are open.” And for good reason, the temperature in the car can reach 50 degrees in just a few minutes, and cause the death of your animal.

Also, if you come across a dog stuck or forgotten in a car, you must contact the police immediately, or if they do not arrive quickly enough, you can legally surround yourself with witnesses, take pictures if necessary and break the window to save the animal.

Read also :

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