Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCatsKat, who looked twice her age, transforms after finding a loving family

Kat, who looked twice her age, transforms after finding a loving family

Tuggly was so damaged by life that he looked 10 years old when he was only 5!

Worn out is a former stray cat that was found in christchurchin New Zealand. He had lacerations around his neck and was very thin. His past as a street cat had left such marks on his body that he appeared to be twice his age. He was also aggressive, especially when food was at stake. But behind this wild appearance was a soul that simply needed reassurance and love…

Illustration of the article: A cat who appeared to be twice her age transforms after finding a loving family

© Katherine Meara / The Dodo

A couple were ready to give Tuggly a try

Katherine Meara and her boyfriend are a young couple who wanted to adopt an older cat. When they discovered the pictures of Worn out, they fell for him. But the cat was not as old as it looked. “I assumed he was at least over 10 just from his looks“, confessed Katherine on The Dodo. “Turns out I was obviously wrong. But he looked so scrawny and sad compared to the other cats that I had to take him.

Illustration of the article: A cat who appeared to be twice her age transforms after finding a loving family

© Katherine Meara / The Dodo

The family kept the cat despite its aggressiveness

The shelter warned the couple about it Worn out was sometimes aggressive due to his past trauma. But that didn’t change their minds. Katherine and his mate was determined to offer this cat a better life.

I think he was a little scared and after being starved for so long, he got scared and became aggressive around food“, have explained Katherine. “When we bought him an automatic feeder he was fine because he stopped associating us with food….

Illustration of the article: A cat who appeared to be twice her age transforms after finding a loving family

© Katherine Meara / The Dodo

A transformed cat

The family of Worn out was able to be patient with him and adapt to his behavior. After only a few weeks, the cat had made its mark in its new home. He finally felt safe there and trusted his owners.

Illustration of the article: A cat who appeared to be twice her age transforms after finding a loving family

© Katherine Meara / The Dodo

Well fed and safe, Worn out get back on track. 6 months after his adoption he became unrecognizable. He has become chubby and very soft, his coat has developed well and, above all, he no longer shows the slightest sign of aggression. Behind his wild appearance was a very nice cat, but with a great need for security and love. Under these conditions, he is now fulfilled and happy.



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