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lawyer launches mass action for victims to be compensated in case of delay

The objective of the #AcceleronsLaJustice operation is to request compensation of 125 euros per month for each plaintiff beyond six months of legal proceedings.

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Lawyer Joyce Pitcher (already known for her #OnVeutDesProfs collective action carried out in September) is launching the #AcceleronsLaJustice operation, the objective of which this time is to request compensation of 125 euros per month in the event of excessive delays in justice, reveals Wednesday, October 19 France Bleu Paris.

This is compensation of 125 euros per month of delay for each plaintiff beyond six months of legal proceedings. “Sometimes these are insignificant everyday cases, with damages of 200 to 500 euros, which can take four to five years to be processed”explains at the microphone of France Bleu Paris the lawyer. “A situation that affects all jurisdictions, whether in criminal matters, industrial tribunals, etc. It is neither the fault of the magistrates nor of the clerks but that of the State, which is responsible for providing a service of decent justice”she adds.

This action launched by Joyce Pitcher is based on article 6 of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and article L141-1 of the code of judicial organization which engages the responsibility of the State. if justice is not done within a reasonable time, she says. “We have case law which provides on average compensation ranging from 200 to 250 euros per month of delay beyond six months of proceedingsexplains the lawyer. Anyone who fails to fulfill their obligations must be responsible for their actions. Lawyers, magistrates, litigants: everyone complains about this situation.

“If the state does not react, we have no other solution than to assign it to face its responsibilities.”

Joyce Pitcher, lawyer

at France Bleu Paris

According to the results of a study quoted by France Bleu Paris and conducted for six years by the legaltech “”, the situation in the French courts is critical: the study notes that it is necessary to wait 370 days on average after the referral to the registry to obtain a first hearing before a judge.



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