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HomeLoansLes Bocals de Gladys, jars ready to bake

Les Bocals de Gladys, jars ready to bake

You had to think about it, ready-to-use jars for quick and gourmet baking. Les Jars de Gladys are the jars from Gladys Sala based in Biscarrosse, which offers you dozens of recipes for your cookies, muffins, cakes, fondants, … such beautiful jars and such a smart concept! Ah, it’s safe at the foot of the tree, it will have its effect, and in addition, you can personalize the labels on the glasses with personal messages. For Christmas, Gladys even offers you a special selection of jars and small or large molds in the form of e.g. a spruce. Christmas is for sure, but you can also think of all the events that feature jars of Gladys, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, Mother’s Day,…

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Nice and good jars!

Les Jars de Gladys is not labeled organic, but our pastry chef explains that she tries to find as many organic and quality ingredients as possible. To find out more, go to the website of the company where the products are purchased.
A website that drives you crazy from the home page, it is through this tool that Gladys markets these jars. You find “All chocolate chip cookies and marshmallows”, “White Chocolate Lemon Cakes”, “Little Butter Cakes”, “Speculoos Cookies”, “Macadamia Nuts and White Chocolate Cookies”… Melt page: “Pistachio chocolate fudge – gluten-free option” for example or “Coconut Banana Muffins”, “Brownie pink pralines and white chocolate”,… the list is long, good luck with your choice. If you are diabetic, you will find what you are looking for, even if you are lactose or gluten intolerant. You can also choose your capacity with jars for 4 servings, 8 servings, 12 potions and even individual vials at a price of 4 euros for a ready-to-bake cupcake.

Les Jars de Gladys, ready-to-bake jars from Gladys Sala. © Radio France



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