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HomeDogsTarbes: A puppy thrown into a container, rescued by firefighters

Tarbes: A puppy thrown into a container, rescued by firefighters

the essential
The SPA team in Tarbes has been furious since the discovery of a barely two-week-old puppy in a bin in the Mouysset district, where he was dumped two days earlier.

The little puppy rescued by the firefighters in a container in Tarbes, chemin Clair, would be out of the woods, rescued in extreme ice. Placed in a foster family while he awaits his adoption, possible in about two months, this spaniel cross is slowly recovering from the fate of the person who threw him into this buried pillar, whose access is only limited for badge holders.

Sentenced to certain death

“Whoever did this wanted him dead. The little puppy had no chance of getting out of this garbage can, and with the particularly low temperatures of the last few days, it’s a true miracle that he’s still alive,” says Frédérique from Tarbes SPA Equally scandalized, the manager of the structure, Carmela Perdiguier, would like to thank, on behalf of her team, the firefighters who saved her, but also the person who alerted them.
“He is a young man who has been hearing a creaking sound for two days, and when he found the origin of the noise, he immediately raised the alarm. The firemen went to the place very quickly, but they took two hours to get it out of there, knowing that access to the bin is only possible with a sign and that it is also buried. The puppy was in the middle of the garbage, he was cold and hungry. The firefighters gave him something to drink and covered him tightly to warm him up. When I came to pick him up, I put him against me, under my jacket, to keep him warm, and we started giving him the bottle,” says Frédérique.

Placed in a foster family

The only consolation for SPA volunteers is that the animal is in good health, and through the “Friends of Animals” association, a family immediately volunteered to take care of the little survivor.

“Fortunately, we quickly found a family who will play the role of the mother during his weaning, knowing that at this age the puppy’s place is not at the SPA. You have to keep an eye on him constantly, give him a bottle every two hours, protect him from any illness, socialize him, … We are reassured to know that he is in good hands with his foster family. He is spoiled,” emphasizes Carmela Perdiguier. However, his anger is not abating.

SPA will file a complaint

“Especially since it’s not an isolated case,” she says. Last summer, in the middle of the night, we were left with a whole litter at the entrance to the SPA. We also find dogs left in the car at 40°C. It is more than unconscious. The list of cases of abuse is long, but this little puppy’s situation goes above and beyond. it affected our volunteers a lot, they are outraged, scandalized,” she points out, not without adding that the SPA will file a complaint.

“It is inhumane. How can you do such a thing to a living being? Those who do this would be able to do the same to a human being”, laments the head of the SPA, all the more scandalized by, that “there are solutions to separate from an animal and even get them treated. We are very responsive, like the police, the gendarmerie and the fire service. Just call us. We are here for the animals, “she insists, not without thanking the supporters of SPA and restart the call for donations, particularly to repay a debt of €36,000 for veterinary expenses.
And if the SPA is more than full on Christmas Eve, it warns against the bad idea of ​​offering an animal as a gift. “Adopting an animal must be carefully considered. We have many abandonments after Christmas”.



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