Home Cats The cat bar on rue des Clarisses is forced to #close and is looking for a buyer

The cat bar on rue des Clarisses is forced to #close and is looking for a buyer

The cat bar on rue des Clarisses is forced to #close and is looking for a buyer

At the beginning of June, the first dog cafe closed. And we have to believe that despite the excitement when they opened, pet bars are not easy in Liège, as it is the cat bar on rue des Clarisses that is set to close. A meeting place for cat lovers, the Merlix cafe officially went out of business a few days ago.

The management decided, after the owner’s health problems, to find a buyer, serious animal lover above all.However, note the current owners on their Facebook page who claim they are no longer able to be around regularly and want to hand over the business (from €50,000) to someone who loves cats and would be interested. While promising advice and supervision for 3 months.
It remains that this must go through the curators appointed by the court and who work in the association of lawyers GBLF.

The concept of the “cat bar” or “cat cafe”, which has developed in certain European cities, has its origins in the Japanese “neko cafe”, which allows people to come and spend time with the cat floor. Merlix allowed certain people from Liège to indulge in spinning therapy.

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