Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeDogsthe dog Lumi was stolen by her former owner, “she surely regretted...

the dog Lumi was stolen by her former owner, “she surely regretted the sale”

Having a pet and not knowing how to take care of it is the sad reality of many families. Whether it’s lack of time, lack of space, financial problems… there are many reasons for not wanting your pet anymore.

If some take them to the shelter, others decide to sell them. We prefer not to talk about abandonments, which are all too frequent, which are a scourge of society.

Lumi is the nickname of a dog, a white Swiss shepherd. Lumi was sold to Kim’s family, but the seller decided to reverse the sale without notifying the new owner. She went to steal the animal from their home, near Gingelom, as HBVL tells it.

“The thieves entered our garden and took Lumi, a female barely one year old, from her kennel in broad daylight. When they got home, there was no sign of Lumi, while their other dog, Faila, ran off into the yard. Kim posted several research posts on Facebook. An investigation was then opened.

And this investigation led to the seller herself: “She regretted the sale. She just wanted to sell to a family that didn’t have a dog yet. I don’t know why, but it got out of hand,” explains Raf Verbruggen, the victim’s lawyer, to HBVL.

Indeed, the seller has embarked on a defamation campaign. “She shouted to anyone who wanted to hear that my client hadn’t taken good care of Lumi, hadn’t paid, had called the animal inspection… but when that didn’t work, the saleswoman decided to retrieve the dog herself. Police found her through CCTV footage. During the trial, she admitted the facts.

She was given a 12-month suspended prison sentence and an effective fine of 1,200 euros plus court costs of 300 euros.




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